Photo-a-Day (Monday, 1st April, 2024)
New Leisure and Entertainment Venue

Principally based in the North East they have ambitious plans to expand and Wigan is on their list.
That should spark renewed interest in the former Pennington’s Store.
Photo: Colin Traynor (iPhone)
Utterly awful idiotic news that's so far away from the truth. That's got to be the worst April fools joke ever.
Read about this in the observer, let's hope it happens.
I don't know how true this is, but I can't see it happening.
April fool prank I hope!
Iron April Fools Joke, the reports have been in all local newspapers.
Apparently the interior of Debanhams is to be gutted to create a multi level venue, large floor space with stage, with bars and food outlets and direct access to the multi story car park next door.
Personally I think the Market Hall would be more cost effective to transform but there is no parking in that part of town.
It's a pity it doesn't "spark interest" in the people of Wigan. To quote The Beatles, "it's a real nowhere man, living in his nowhere land, making all his nowhere plans for nobody". I honestly don't think the everyday, ordinary citizens of Wigan and its surrounding districts could care less. Good Luck, Stack'll need it.
Ps. The Hope charity shop is being relocated within The Grand Arcade so it could be either in the former WH Smiths or M&S. They look to be rundown their stock, so this could be imminent.
Can I just say that "Irene Rhubarb" ISN'T me!! I HAVE added a comment but under my own name as always, that will hopefully appear soon.. Whatever I have to say, whether complimentary or controversial, I am not afraid to put my name where my mouth is.
Full report on Wigan Today 14th March.
April Fool joke my foot.
It's clear you Doubting Thomases never bother checking the news . . .
Announced weeks ago so not April Fools. It looks very interesting and I hope it's a success.
I see the usual Fool is back !
Enough said!
Having now got more information, I WILL say that IF there was a daytime food outlet with various food sellers around the outside, (baked potato shop, breakfast-food stall, Indian food, Chinese food, pizza stall, fish-and-chips etc etc) with a large seating area in the centre for people to eat their food, like at The Trafford Centre, I could see that taking place, although people still need a reason, (shops!), to come into Wigan in the first place! But Colin's first post dwelt on "bars and late-night entertainment" and THAT is what I just can't see happening, but hey!....let's look on the bright side.... if it DID, King Street could breath a sigh of relief!
“It will create 140 new jobs”
Well, there’s optimism for you.
Where’s the money going to come from?
Just read through my last post and I could have worded it better! I meant the food court to be INSIDE the former Debenhams Store, with a seating area in the centre and food stalls all around it. I made it sound as if the food stalls were OUTSIDE in the open air.... what a wally I am! Yes indeed, Bruce....where will the money come from? However, there'll probably be a lot of applicants for the jobs if this comes about.
I was thinking the same Irene. Clean up King St.
This ‘idea’ that’s afoot reminds me it may look a bit like the entrance to Belle Vue at Middlebrook…but it’s always quiet in the daytime. I have no idea what it’s like at night. There’s a few restaurants dotted about and a Bowling Alley but it not in the town centre. Probably more young people at night.
Times must be dire when a shopping arcade named as being Grand begins grasping at straws and is planning for a night club to open there, will it be another nine day wonder do you think, look at King Street where many a club or bar has opened and they with high hopes too, only to shut up shop shortly after.
It's also been said many times that the Georgian house on Millgate that was Pennington's was to become a restaurant, and would have been nice if it was, but the plans never materialised.
Remember the Georgian house that was on the top of the Wiend, that too became a bistro and wine bar, but sadly the custom just wasn't there at the time and so it closed, and later that was in the way of the council greenhouse so it got to be demolished.
Cyril, when I used to volunteer on the bar at WLT, I can remember sitting outside with a drink when we had washed the glasses after the interval and people were back in the auditorium. I used to sit and gaze at the partly-built circular "end" of the Grand Arcade on Summer nights and had hopes for it. I just haven't got that same optimism now. If anything keeps it going it will be food, not shops, but people need a reason to come into Wigan in the first place before they decide to eat there, and there are very few shops left.
I'm not sure what kind of 'clientele' this will attract but looking at their venues in the North East they are very popular.
I don't know who owns the Grand Arcade, The Galleries last owned by the Council. I am sure the venture will be funded by Stacks but imagine the Council will pave the way with inducements.
Hopefully this will bring in many people (of the right sort) from around the region and boost trade in the town and to other establishments, existing and new.
Just read that a bunch of them are on their way to Cannes in the South of France trying to secure investment in Wigan, I wonder how much that will cost and what return they (or should I say WE) will get.
All I know is that it will be a bit better than my wet day out in Chorley and Preston, What a contrast!!!!
Irene, just read your comment, Rhubarb indeed, what a Custard!
To your many admirers you are all Peaches and Cream.
Warrington's got a nice in door market and food hall which is always doing well when I go past it.
Oh, you little tinker. young Colin! I haven't been too well today and your complimentary comment, as well as emails from Dolly, (Veronica), are just what the doctor ordered! Thankyou! xx
To yourself as well it seems Colin. apple for the teacher?
Yes, we go to Warrington now and again, Tommy Crumble, as the bus goes past out house. We have had something to eat in the former Market Hall but not the new one, and my hubby found no less than three pound coins on the floor, the jammy beggar! "Usual Fool", I once wrote an article for Past Forward called "An Apple For The Teacher". It wasn't about Colin, though. although I used to work with his cousin.
PS, Tommy Crumble. the baked potato stall at the end of the Golden Square Shopping Centre in Warrington is excellent too, with no shortage of outdoor seating, but you need a warm day! Warrington is certainly not short of seating, I'll give it that!
Owners are: RDI REIT, nothing to do with the Council.
1. Arriva. 2. Brightbay Real Estate Partners Ltd since May 2021.
Wigan local authority are the landlords.