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Photo-a-Day  (Sunday, 28th January, 2024)

Old Courts Building

Old Courts Building
Often overlooked, this west facing facade of the Old Courts Building built in 1908 is opposite but slightly lower down than the former Grand Hotel and another fine example of Wigans architectural past and prosperity.

Photo: Colin Traynor  (iPhone)
Views: 1,866

Comment by: Derek Platt on 28th January 2024 at 00:39

Good looking building, I think the date on the top facade says 1898 though.

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 28th January 2024 at 07:30

A very grand building. Colin, you seem to get lots of sunshine as you stroll around !
Looks like a buddelia growing high up but I expect it would be difficult to grub it out unless you used a cherrypicker.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 28th January 2024 at 08:15

Correction, constructed in 1898

Comment by: Garry on 28th January 2024 at 08:38

Thats right Colin.
The architectural design of these buildings show how much they cared and put their heart and soul in to the job. This was done by pencil, paper and brains.
Today, computers do that job, and that's why the buildings look like ( to use Irene's frase ) Lego buildings. The Architects, builders and all who was involved in the construction of this building should be applauded.

Comment by: Alan on 28th January 2024 at 08:56

Just look at the marvel of this building built in 1908, then look at the Wigan life building completed in 2012, no comparison.
The Wigan life building has no character at all. I'll give it 50 years and then the demolition men move in. I believe the Wigan Life building has defects right now.

Comment by: Veronica on 28th January 2024 at 09:06

I recall coming out of the door at the far end for the last time after a 12 month stint ( working there). Then walking half a mile well past Uncle Joes mint balls to find my car…there was no parking at all. I never thought to come on the train! Yes it is a majestic building I remember the pillars inside. The office was open plan,

Comment by: Arthur on 28th January 2024 at 09:06

1898 Alan the building was built and not 1908. Many Wigan buildings like this one have been demolished.

Comment by: Wiganer on 28th January 2024 at 09:17

Buildings today are not made to last, they are done quickly and cheap.

Comment by: Alan on 28th January 2024 at 09:29

Sorry about the wrong build date.

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 28th January 2024 at 09:37

That is a beautiful building; I love red-brick. Even the windows have character. It looks as if someone with brains and a sense of style has taken time, thought and trouble over the design, and the builders, who probably didn't earn much in 1898 but would have been glad of the work, have done a superb job. The Life Building looks like it was designed by a three-year-old.

Comment by: PeterP on 28th January 2024 at 11:20

Yet another fine building in Wigan. What is the design of the top of the mast far right?

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 28th January 2024 at 11:21

Helen, the sun always shines on Wigan.
The day was so nice I took a stroll down the palm tree lined boulevard of Wallgate to Wigan Pier and with ice cream in hand took in the sunshine at the end of the pier watching happy children making sandcastles on the beech. Give it 100 years when the ice sheets melt, this might be a prophesy!
As far as Buddleia are concerned, once encouraged as The Butterfly Plant, they have become invasive and almost as much a nuisance as Japanese Knotweed.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 28th January 2024 at 11:37

Garry, I am of the old school and still prefer a parallel motion drawing board which allows far more creativity and thought.
Show todays CAD (Computer Assisted Design) Engineers an adjustable set square, a protractor, a compass or a adjustable trammel and they would look at you in complete bewilderment.
If there was power cut or even worse their computer crashed with work backed up they would probably burs out crying!

Comment by: Malc on 28th January 2024 at 11:46

Designed by a three year old....some children have more brains.

Comment by: Me again. on 28th January 2024 at 17:07

Colin trainer,derek platts was correct the date was 1898.q

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 28th January 2024 at 20:45

Me Again, please read through thoroughly, my mistake was an incorrect tap of the finger, I corrected this before 08:00 this morning.
Thank you for your interest.

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