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Photo-a-Day  (Sunday, 21st January, 2024)


Hallgate from Market Street, Wigan.

Photo: Dennis Seddon  (Sony DSC-HX99)
Views: 1,907

Comment by: Derek Platt on 21st January 2024 at 04:06

Great photo once again, also there's a bit of scaffolding that wasn't needed for Haigh Hall.

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 21st January 2024 at 07:59

I think I recognise the area of Hallgate. My Bradshaw Grandparents had a pie shop which would have been at the far end from where this photo was taken. I have a memory of being at the shop , just being able to look over a wooden counter and being given a sweet...strange things the mind remembers

Comment by: Julie on 21st January 2024 at 08:52

What a sad sight there is nothing there anymore only tack shops and pubs what have closed down turned into restaurants oh how awful!

Comment by: Veronica on 21st January 2024 at 08:57

I’m always faintly surprised a shop like Gillespie’s is still doing business. It’s a nice shop don’t get me wrong..Ornaments or collectibles are something I haven’t bought for years.
I think the shop was Singers in the late sixties and before that it was the Maypole if I’m correct. ( I still have the sewing machine used infrequently.) ..

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 21st January 2024 at 09:02

I used to love the shop called "Present Trend" down there on the right when I was in my teens, (yes, so long ago!), and I have a feeling it's still there after all these years, (although I'm not sure it's under the same name....perhaps someone knows?). It sold paintings and gifts and greetings cards and provided a picture-framing service. I used to notice back then that as you walked along the first part of the pavement on the right, the flags under your feet used to "ring"....sorry, that's the only word I can find to explain it. I rarely go down there now and I tend to wear flat shoes these days; I think it may have been high heels that caused the "ringing" sensation! Whatever caused it, it was only in that spot; perhaps it was something underground that caused it. I The memory came straight back when I saw the photo! Mick, I see you mentioned the other day that you were surprised I hadn't mentioned my job at the chemists on the Standish photo.....I have been ill in bed for two days and am only catching up with p-a-d this morning.

Comment by: Arthur on 21st January 2024 at 09:11

Looks a bit scruffy these days.

Comment by: freddie on 21st January 2024 at 09:14

What is the one way arrow for? the vans don't take attention, but otherwise how would they get there?

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 21st January 2024 at 09:18

Nice shot Dennis, before Market Street was constructed Hallgate continued to the left until the corner of Market Place.
That shop on the left hand corner has some interesting thing inside, well worth a browse.
Further down on the right is the former Bricklayers Arms, I think that is where the charity ‘The Brick’ was founded but not fully sure of the connection.

Comment by: Alan on 21st January 2024 at 09:21

Once a bustling Town full of brilliant shops, now just an untidy road with ordinary stores with a few junk food outlets and barbers next door to each other. Compere this road to a 1960s photo and we'll see a big difference in quality and glass.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 21st January 2024 at 09:48

Alan, I think there was more activity and footfall in Hallgate when Coops and the like were fully operational. These days I only go down Hallgate to turn right into Jackson’s Yard when going to the bus station. The Anvil though still seems to be a popular pub.
On the left as we know is The King Of Prussia Yard, I wonder which King this was named after and as being a unpatriotic name during the First World War it surprises me that it was not changed. I wonder if there was controversy at the time?

Comment by: Garry on 21st January 2024 at 10:04

Before I get any criticism about my opinion, let me explain, if you happen to be a certain age like me and remember how Wigan shops streets and roads used to look like, see photographs of Wigan from around the 1960s and
you'll understand how we older people feel about the place right now. Under Wigan Corporation Council, they looked after all aspects of all the streets and roads, the shops were mainly family owned, so they cared about their stores and services to the shoppers. We all loved in our younger days going to Wigan every Saturday morning meeting up at Woolworths to buy records and sweets. It was just a great place to go, safe and happy.
We all have great memories of Wigan in our younger days, we now live in a different world.

Comment by: WN1 Standisher on 21st January 2024 at 10:05

Another good photo Colin, I hope you're feeling better Irene :)

Comment by: Alan on 21st January 2024 at 10:18

Class and not glass....sorry.

Comment by: Veronica on 21st January 2024 at 10:57

Well said Garry….in a nutshell. Out with the old and in with the new is not always the best way.

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 21st January 2024 at 11:15

Thankyou Standisher.....I feel very "wobbly" but at least I am up and able to catch up with p-a-d and Album and I loved yesterday's photo of the impressive red-brick building by the side of the Parish Church Gardens....a lovely view! Garry, you've hit the nail on the head with your explanation of how we Wiganers of a certain age feel about the difference in our beloved town then and now....as you say, it used to feel "safe and happy"....it feels neither happy nor safe these days.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 21st January 2024 at 11:19

Irene, I too am glad that you’re feeling better.
Like me in the early 70’s in my platform shoes you would strut the streets of Wigan in your stilettos without a care in the world, these days it’s more like the Flat Shoe Shuffle.
Doing the London Marathon was crossed off my bucket list many moons ago.

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 21st January 2024 at 11:47

Thankyou Colin. The metallic "ringing" under my heels on Hallgate only lasted for a few yards, and it felt as if there was a "hollowness" beneath the flags. Also the flags seemed to have a bit of "give" in them, if that makes sense.....a slight "bounce" as you were walking along. A mystery!

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 21st January 2024 at 11:54

WN1 Standisher, many thanks for the compliment, I know I get more than my fair share of pictures posted on PAD but the credit for this one goes to Dennis and it has truly sparked many observations and memories to share.
When we do do this, future generations and historian will look back at these pictures and and perhaps get a better understanding of what the people of the time and their thoughts were.

Comment by: Maureen on 21st January 2024 at 12:43

Thank you Dennis, it seems the only time I see this part of Wigan is when I’m coming out of the bus station.. I like to look in that corner shop but everything in there is so expensive.

Comment by: Norma on 21st January 2024 at 12:48

Have bin at the sherry again Garry. Wigan is a much safer place these day with all the cameras about. The old smoking factory's and smoggy atmosphere has gone. So I'm not sure if it is better.

Comment by: Alan on 21st January 2024 at 12:50

And going to the pictures Garry every Saturday mornings.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 21st January 2024 at 13:16

Irene, as you know in the past there were quite a few pubs down Hallgate, they might have had cellar access from the front and at the time covered up with flags making them sound hollow.
Obviously the Crofters and Bricklayers arms on the right are now closed but on the left hand side, first the were the Globe Vaults and the the King Of Prussia on the site where the Chippery is, now I think also closed,
Hallgate has a fascinating past and some of the older buildings still exist, although you would not think so from the ground floor,
The first ally way on your right is Crofters Yard that extended down to The Pig Market and then out onto Market Street opposite Woodcock Street.
Jaxon Court did not exist but on the spot there was Wall's Yard which connected with the much larger Bailey's Court that stretched all the way to Shaw's Yard which in turn lead out onto Hallgate just up from the National & Blue Coat School. Both these Yards now under the bus station.
All this was before the Queens Hall was built so gives a proximity to the year.

Comment by: Gareth Cheetham on 21st January 2024 at 14:12

The King of Prussia Yard was named after the pub of the same name that was in the building to the right of the yard as viewed from the street, and which was later a chippy. Why the pub was called that I don't know....

Comment by: Thomas(Tom) Walsh. on 21st January 2024 at 14:25

Veronica ,the shop on the corner was Howard's Pram Shop . The Maypole was in the Market Place , I think the shop you're think of was a little bit higher up it was Coopers High Class Grocers , before that it was Peterkins Grocers, then UCP ( United Cattle Products) later to become Blutos .next was Nora Webster ladies hairdressers , then Lowes Department Store and finally on that block The Black Horse.

Comment by: Cyril on 21st January 2024 at 15:48

Great photo Dennis of a street that's not changed all that very much over the years, though with shuttered shops it seems that too is suffering the same fate as the rest of town.
The Bricklayers was a very popular pub and The All Saints' Tavern would have held an appeal for those with an affinity for speculative characters, those not, would like as I did, order a drink, have a look around then drink up and get out pronto and never go in again, I remember that as well as the obvious women, there were like trophies on the wall, several large splatters of dried blood at head height and still very obvious on the wallpaper.

I've been having a look on Google street view and see that The Bricklayers in now Casa Carlos, no idea how long that has been there as the last I was down there it was as Colin mentions The Brick charity, however that is now in St George's church, https://www.thebrick.org.uk/about-us/

Comment by: Veronica on 21st January 2024 at 16:17

Tom I am probably wrong about the Grocery business but I’m positively sure I got my Singer sewing machine from the shop on the corner. This was 1967. Although time does play tricks….

Comment by: Peter Walsh on 21st January 2024 at 18:52

The corner shop was once an Army and Navy Store. I see Coops tower in the distance, another Wigan building built with pride.

Comment by: Ray on 21st January 2024 at 20:31

Hi Cyril, The " Casa Carlos " is a Spanish Tapas bar and restaurant,
its title means " House of Charles ". I think it has been a Spanish
restaurant for at least 4 years. The owner is from Spain, and I think
his wife is British. I will be off to my secret place in Spain in May.
Adios, Ray.

Comment by: britboy on 21st January 2024 at 20:53

I had to look at this pic for a bit before I realised were it was, did this road go down passed the Grand Hotel on the right and the telephone exchange on the left?

Comment by: Cyril on 21st January 2024 at 21:43

Veronica, Singers sewing machine shop may initially have been where you said on the corner of Hallgate, though later in the 1970s I can remember an army and navy surplus and camping and denims store being there, though shops did tend to move around when their leases were up, and as according to a search and this comment on a photo (though no date of when the photo was taken) on the Album it seems the shop had moved a little lower down from the Queens Hall, see comment by: Bill Eatock who worked at Singers.

Comment by: Veronica on 21st January 2024 at 22:03

Thanks Cyril I did look but it’s stuck with me the shop was on the corner where I got my sewing machine from. But it’s over 50 odd years since… perhaps I’ve dreamt it….still using the machine now and again it still works ok after all that time.

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