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Photo-a-Day  (Friday, 10th November, 2023)

Wigan Post Office

Wigan Post Office
Market Street.

Photo: Brian  (iPhone)
Views: 1,544

Comment by: T on 10th November 2023 at 08:21

Can't picture this, is it slightly further down than Barclays but before Hallgate?

Comment by: Gary on 10th November 2023 at 08:33

A bit like ours here in the NE. A tiny shop area shared with an independent chemist which, last year, had to incorporate two doors so that the Post Office queue didn't mix with the aspirin and prescription people.
Used to be a substantial building now converted to a local council "help" centre. It rarely does!

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 10th November 2023 at 09:22

Nice photo with the trees shedding Autumn leaves but the other week we had been to the optician and were on our way to the bus station and there was a man sat by those silver railings/ bike stands or whatever they are, absolutely out of his head on something, screaming foul-mouthed abuse at the top of his voice at some imaginary person, or perhaps at life in general, but it was very uncomfortable and no-one dared look at him in case they caught his attention. I felt sorry for the people with young children, some in prams, trying to hurry their children past him; children WILL stare and comment , naturally, on seeing something like that,but it wouldn't have been safe to do so in this case.

Comment by: Dave johnson on 10th November 2023 at 10:05

If I'm not mistaken that building in the past has been, UCP, Blutos and the Coop bank?

Comment by: Fluffy on 10th November 2023 at 11:17

T. Yes you’re correct.

Comment by: Colin Traynor on 10th November 2023 at 11:17

Irene, I had a similar experience on Wednesday morning. I was walking down Millgate towards Standishgate and before I even could see the man I could hear him shouting and screaming the most foul language into his phone, eventually he walked past me wild eyed and still shouting, definitely best avoided.
Embarrassingly I was immediately accosted by two young Mormons who seemed oblivious or were to polite to comment. I told them I was 'a good Catholic boy' and wished them a nice and quieter stay in Wigan!

Comment by: Cyril on 10th November 2023 at 15:52

Thanks Dave I do remember the UCP and faintly remember Blutos though I never went in, I had no idea as to where it was initially on seeing the photo, and still didn't recognise it with Brian's title of Market Street, and from the last time I'd been along there it has changed quite a lot.

I don't blame you Irene, it's far safer to give them a wide berth when they're out of it and hallucinating, even the ambulance crews have a bad time with them, and the police rarely want to get involved as what they are smoking isn't illegal.

I remember when folks would call the gang of Cider men that frequented the town centre lazy good for nothings, but they didn't bother anyone or come out with any foul language, just sitting quietly chatting to one another whilst drinking their bottles of super strength Cider, then stagger away going back home. Now they have been replaced by the ones getting off their heads smoking all sorts of weird concocted stuff and it's then sending some of them delusional, at one time they'd have been carted off to an asylum deemed to have gone mad.

Comment by: Dave on 10th November 2023 at 17:16

Yes Cyril , I think they are called Zombie drugs , as seen in , where else , the U S of A! These poor souls are seen standing there , upright , but unable to move .
The drug cartels, who flood America , employ people who have degrees in chemistry to manufacture these drugs to make them stronger and more addictive - but I’m sure you knew that ! They then come to us , just like drugs came to the Wigan Casino which is very sad indeed as more people ask me about WC than Orwell !
The poor police are being overwhelmed by the sheer volume of drugs being pumped into places . Young people are being drawn into knowing or believing they can make more dealing than working . Truancy is through the roof as kids see no point in school and then fall into the hands of the drug lords you never ever see !
Drugs are the biggest problem we have because it feeds every form of crime . We have lost control in my eyes ! We don’t need the police we need an army ! But even an army will fail because young people want drugs and drug cartels know it ! Best solution is move into a village where nowt happens
Happy Days WW!

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 10th November 2023 at 19:37

I dread the Drugs Squad coming to our house.....they might find a Lemsip if they're lucky !

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