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Photo-a-Day  (Wednesday, 2nd August, 2023)

Milo de Cogan

Milo de Cogan
Milo de Cogan, he's come to Appley Bridge from Hampshire for some peace and quiet.

Photo: Mick Byrne  (Panasonic DMC-TZ100)
Views: 1,642

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 2nd August 2023 at 07:25

Always thought Hampshire was a reasonable 'quiet' county, especially if you were narrow boating. Wouldn't be very quiet where the boat is moored with truck barrows, or whatever they are called, right outside your window..... Nice boat.

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 2nd August 2023 at 07:29

He came at the wrong time for peace and quiet, with all the work going on! It's a lovely boat and looks well-maintained.

Comment by: Syd Smith on 2nd August 2023 at 07:34

Is Milo, Alma's brother.
He didn't pick the best spot to stop did he.

Comment by: PeterP on 2nd August 2023 at 08:19

He must not be bothered about the work or he would have moored some where else. Its the boaters who have permanent mooring you feel sorry for.

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 2nd August 2023 at 09:17

Red Alert !
Canal news....just read on the news that a big blue shipping container has been put/dumped on ground by the canal at Crooke Village, Shevvy. Shock horror !
Am sure someone in the great WMC will get it shifted, pronto !

Comment by: John (Westhoughton) on 2nd August 2023 at 09:25

If he’s out about him he’ll be mekin them there workmen a brew

Comment by: Veronica on 2nd August 2023 at 10:21

I wonder if Milo has got a couple of rebels on board who deal in eggs. I wonder if he’s heard of Tittybong even.

Comment by: Rev David Long on 2nd August 2023 at 10:49

PeterP - As it happens, there are no permanent moorings on the towpath side of the L&L along the stretch where the work is taking place. The first such moorings are after Bridge 37, Mill Lane, in Parbold - and the works in West Lancs. finish at that bridge (where the towpath changes sides anyway). However, I think permanent moorers would be happy to put up with the temporary inconvenience of the works for the benefit of being able to reach their boats without mud on their shoes.
I'll have to take a look at the new works - the L&L is woefully short of mooring rings at many popular spots - so pins have to be used. Has room been left between the new trucks and the edging stones?
The container at Crooke is yet another cause for concern since the small canal-side plot was sold - it is said the new owner is going to fence it off - but the moorers on the small Crooke Cruising Club moorings have to cross it to get to their moorings. I've used that spot a couple of times to moor overnight, and eat in the excellent pub - so I'll miss that facility.

Comment by: DTease on 2nd August 2023 at 11:28

Maybe GDubya has started a new line in duck eggs Veronica, and he's got Big Sheila leaving samples up and down the cut. They reckon there's a good supply of duck eggs in Shangri-La Shevvy. Mick seems to know where they all are. In fact he has spotted specimens as far a-field as Wigan Pier growing wild among the cobble stones/setts.
Maybe this barge will be making regular voyages along the canal gathering in wild duck eggs as it goes.
I'm pretty sure They would have no trouble getting a contract from The Parish Duck egg Committee for the collection of duck eggs within the Parish boundary. After all, there is an abundance of duck eggs in Shangri-La Shevvy.

Comment by: Wigan Mick on 2nd August 2023 at 11:49

If the land owners drag the container under the trees and give it a coat of paint, it might nor look so bad.
A few years ago the land owner put a caravan there but after the council told them to move it, they broke it up and burned it.
There is one mooring pin next to the Appley bridge footpath swing bridge that is in the middle of the towpath that needs pulling out and replacing with a mooring ring

Comment by: Rev David Long on 2nd August 2023 at 13:04

I was passing by Crooke this morning and diverted to take a look (sending pics to P-a-D). It looks as if the Cruising Club have solved the access problem by re-arranging their entrance, so that they come down from the road outside the boundary of the plot of land.
WM - the area under the trees is not part of the plot where the container is. The plot was sold, I think last year - so another owner seems to be trying it on.
As I was taking pics of the work going on at Crooke bridge one of the contractors came by and I asked him about how much room was being left between the track and the stone edge - and he said 30cm/ a foot.

Comment by: Sandra on 2nd August 2023 at 13:51

Very cleaver man is Mr Rev David Long.

Comment by: Veronica on 2nd August 2023 at 14:32

I’m beginning to see the light Dtease. There’s been a takeover by the Parish Council. They’ve surreptitiously taken a few back handers. The egg plants have been stolen and pollinated by wild ducks. Big Sheila from Tittibong has expanded the Parish boundaries even further. She’s stabbed her faithful crew in the back!
Now it’s Big Mick who is the Chief Duck Egg and he’s planting them all over the tow paths of the canals. Walkers will be walking on eggshells.
Bikers will be covered in egg yolk. It’s a case of rotten eggs all around. The Parish Council is building a big Eggpire of Eggscellence. You are right about the boat it’s changed names to put us off the scent. Who knows Ozy and GDub could be in languishing in chains in the hold at the mercy of Big Sheila from Tittibong and we thought they had gone to ground.

Comment by: Alan on 2nd August 2023 at 16:26

Yes Sandra, I agree, anything to do with Canals and boats, the Rev is the man.

Comment by: Veronica on 2nd August 2023 at 17:10

As long as Mr Rev is not walking about with a ‘cleaver’ under the folds of his cassock Sandra. I’m sure he has a sense of humour under his demeanour though.

Comment by: DTease on 2nd August 2023 at 17:41

To be held in chains at the mercy of big Sheila. Veronica, that’s a terrible fate to befall any man
I fear the offices of the good reverend may be needed sooner rather than later.

Comment by: Veronica on 2nd August 2023 at 19:00

It looks like decoy measures are being used along the cuts. Landowners are being forced to paint everything in sight and the Chief Duck Egg will be disguised as a tree in full leaf on his bike delivering eggs.
I’m off now
Dtease there’s a warrant out for my arrest….I’m being hounded.

Comment by: Sandra on 2nd August 2023 at 22:40

Very sorry. Should have read CLEVER.

Comment by: Veronica on 2nd August 2023 at 23:30

A bit of fun Sandra thats all. xx

Comment by: Rev David Long on 3rd August 2023 at 07:29

I thought you were just saying I was quite sharp, Sandra....

Comment by: Sandra on 3rd August 2023 at 07:50

Water off a Ducks back Veronica.

Comment by: Veronica on 3rd August 2023 at 08:25

I can’t resist mis spellings - I just see the funny side love. x

Comment by: Sandra on 3rd August 2023 at 11:46

You are very sharp, Rev David.

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