Photo-a-Day (Sunday, 5th March, 2023)

Photo: David (Sony DSC-RX100)
I don't see any filming going on. What is it supposed to be showing ?
Took me a minute to register why there was snow in just one place.....bit slow this morning!! Hope the programme shows Haigh as favourably as Foyle's War did....I felt very proud when I saw the hall on the tv screen in that series.
Which episode of Foyles War includes Haigh Hall? I have them all but have not noticed Haigh Hall.
I think there will be a very good income from the film makers to Wigan’s coffers. It does look very authentic I must say. We might have the real thing in the coming days!
Owd Reekie, it was the final episode. It is called "Elise".
Most of the "snow" was near Whelley bend.
Good photo David and going past at the right moment. You can say you spent some time in the village of Chadder Vale.
Alan, Phil, Mick whoever why the negative and nit picking postings again.
Thank you, Irene.
Yes I've seen the weather warnings of sub zero temperatures for next week Veronica, seems it is back to winter for a while. Foyle's War was a very good TV programme wasn't it Irene and I enjoy watching it and was surprised when Haigh Hall appeared on the screen, I wasn't sure it was Haigh Hall for the first few moments as I hadn't heard or read of it being filmed there. A pity the programme series ended, but I suppose it had run its course. Anthony Horowitz must have a great mind with all the excellent TV programmes and films he's written and also the many books, I've read his Sherlock Holmes novels and they are two very good reads and are in the style of Arthur Conan Doyle, we bought our grandson a couple of his The Diamond Brothers books and he enjoyed reading them, I had a peek and found them hilarious and thought they would make a great TV series, he liked reading other books too until he discovered Nintendo Switch and the addictive games.
Yes, Cyril. Foyle's War was excellent. I have to admit I'm not the brightest star in the sky when it comes to getting into the story....I soon get lost! But I love to see the old furnishings and fashions and I am forever seeing and old saucepan or colander and saying, "Oh, we've got one of those!". I have loads of old-fashioned kitchen equipment which is in everyday use in our house! But it was lovely to see Haigh Hall, both inside and out, and a scene in The Plantations when a car went over the old bridge which is painted green.....I felt very proud! I hope that "Owd Reekie" enjoys seeing it next time he watches that episode.
I loved Foyle’s War I still watch repeats of it. Anything in that era interests me. I was so disappointed when Home Fires was discontinued - I just could not understand why it was taken off at the time. It was getting more and more gripping, then whoosh - gone! Just like that as Tommy Cooper would say. I like reading true stories of that period as well. I have quite a number of books - one especially I liked was the one about Demobilisation, when the soldiers came home. What they met with after six years in the forces. Some very touching tales in that book.
This must have been when filming had stopped, for the day, my son went passed, and the only people around, were the security men.
Sorry to hear about your son Edna, RIP.
Anybody can see that is a misspelt word. Somebody has a twisted mindset.
What a dreadful thing to make a joke about! Small things obviously amuse small minds.
It is a terrible posting, what has Edna ever done to receive such a comment? Olive mentioned earlier that there are some nit picking comments being made again. Whether it is Mick or someone posting in his name who knows, but a comment like that cuts deep and will be hurtful, even if made in jest.