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Photo-a-Day  (Saturday, 21st January, 2023)


The Return of the Rocky Road, Langtree.

Photo: Poet  (Lenovo TAB 2 A10-70F)
Views: 1,992

Comment by: Dave lewis on 21st January 2023 at 00:26

I love the scenery poet takes me back to my country days, wide open area with lots of fresh air those trees have sure stood the bad weather and the grass area is nice to see, good shot love the road as well.

Comment by: PeterP on 21st January 2023 at 06:56

Some main roads are getting has bad with potholes. The above road looks more of a farm track and I don't envy any one driving/cycling along it

Comment by: Song for Roy on 21st January 2023 at 07:10

Every lunch time sees Roy struggle
To negotiate the Langtree puddles ,
The chassis of his car bounces up and down
Like one of those driven by circus clowns ,

His legs are jerking as though on springs ,
Arms a waving like a puppet on strings ,
Body jumping high and low
Just like a cowboy at a rodeo ,

Wobbling like jelly upon a plate ,
He seesaws his way up the Rocky lane
' And all the way to Dublin
Wack fol- lol de ra !


Comment by: Fred Mason on 21st January 2023 at 08:19

Amazing how they managed to get all that tarmac around all those holes..!!

Comment by: irene roberts on 21st January 2023 at 08:49

Nice photo with a slight feel of Spring about it. It conjures up a vision of a Mum and a child walking down there, the Mum skirting round the puddles and the child wearing wellies and delightedly jumping in every one!

Comment by: Here's some History on 21st January 2023 at 09:16

The building on the right is Langtree Hall built on the site of the much older original hall .

In 1652 , Rodger Haydock and his wife Alice Nightingale from Coppull lived at the hall .
The large family was of Presbyterian leaning , but two of their sons , Rodger and John became fervent Quakers and were responsible for first bringing Quakerism to Standish .

Rodger was a close friend of William Penn and attended his wedding . Both he and John would later come to trouble with the Anglican authorities of the Restoration monarchy .

Rodger was arrested several times for attending meetings , and ' disputing ' in the church with the rector of Saint Wilfrid's , Ralph Brideoake . It was at the instigation of Brideoake that Haydock was arrested for refusing to pay tithes to the church and was imprisoned in Lancaster jail .

After his brother's death in 1696 , John continued to be a thorn in the authorities side .
Even after the Toleration Act , Quakers were still persecuted , usually for refusing to swear an oath of loyalty on the Bible. He died in internment at Lancaster in 1719 , the last Quaker to be imprisoned there . John Haydock is buried in the Friends Burial Ground just up the lane from here on Preston Road .


Comment by: Veronica on 21st January 2023 at 09:34

A nice serene photo of the country side that looks as if it’s been left alone and untouched…

Comment by: PeterP on 21st January 2023 at 09:35

Irene one or two ankle turners if you walk along it in the dark

Comment by: Roy on 21st January 2023 at 10:23

Thank you very much for your poem Dave re The Rocky Road to Dublin, i was down there yesterday and it is as bad as ever and i shall be down there again soon.
IRENE, you probably don't realise but that is Langtree Lane, near Pepper Lane in Standish which takes you to Langtree Children's Nursery, so you weren't far wrong with your comment about wellie shod children and puddles, my gt grandson being one of them when 'they' take some of the children for their daily walk.

Comment by: Weather Woman on 21st January 2023 at 10:53

Its a photo that say stay in bed.

Comment by: irene roberts on 21st January 2023 at 11:10

You're right there, Peter P....even with a torch it would be dangerous in the dark. Roy, I didn't know just where the lane was but I know Standish is officially called Standish-with-Langtree so I had a good idea it would be in that area. How lovely to think of your great grandson jumping in the puddles along with the other children. I hope none of the nursery staff end up in a "Vicar of Dibley" puddle!

Comment by: Dave on 21st January 2023 at 11:59

It was only ' repaired ' last summer !

Comment by: Roy on 21st January 2023 at 17:28

''''Repaired'''' in inverted commas just about sums it up Dave, it was definitely a temporary fix. Much of the money for the 'fix' came indirectly from parents of children attending the nursery by providing articles to be raffled off, then buying tickets to win them back again.

Comment by: Wigan Mick on 21st January 2023 at 18:15

Most potholes are caused by speeding motorists , you see lots just after a bend in the road where vehicles start to accelerate.
The ones on the photo will be caused by mothers flying down that to pick up their kids

Comment by: Bruce Almighty on 21st January 2023 at 19:39

Irene, one thing's for certain. Standish is not "officially" called Standish with Langtree, just like Wigan is not officially called Wigan and Leigh.
Standish is "officially" called Standish.

Comment by: Marky on 21st January 2023 at 21:07

Mick where I live they put road humps on a rat run to slow the traffic down . Cars that went over them at the correct speed had no problem, but many didn’t and smashed their under end ,complained and sought court action . The council lowered all the humps and now cars fly over them like they are not there . Help! Everything nowadays seems to have gone to the twilight zone .
Potholes included Poet , this looks heavenly to me . I hope you and Roy can keep it from developers

Comment by: irene roberts on 22nd January 2023 at 09:04

Thankyou Bruce Almighty. I was just repeating was what I was told when I worked in Standish in the early 1970s. I thought the signpost as you come up to The Boars Head from Wigan Lane used to say Standish-with-Langtree back then, but I was only young and the memory plays tricks as the years pass. I am happy to stand corrected.

Comment by: Roy on 22nd January 2023 at 10:01

MICK, there are one or two houses down this lane, plus some stables and a farm, it is the tractors, delivery vans and dustbin lorries that cause the problem, i like many others using the lane to reach the nursery don't exceed 10mph if that in parts !!!
MARKY, thanks for your concern, but things haven't changed much in this area in my 80 plus years.

Comment by: Roy on 22nd January 2023 at 11:09

Bruce, don't put money on your message to Irene. Standish with Langtree was and still is an Electoral Ward. You have obviously not left the M6 going north at J27, turning towards Standish on the exit lane one of the first things you see is relatively new VERY large sign welcoming you to the Wigan Borough of Standish with Langtree. Plus there are many Standish with Langtree signs in and around the township.

Comment by: Bruce Almighty on 22nd January 2023 at 17:05

I don't dispute the fact that the signs said "Standish with Langtree". Nor do I dispute the existance of an old electoral ward of that very name. However, Standish with Langtree is not, never was and never will be, the "official" name of Standish.
Standish is Standish. Langtree is Langtree. Standish with Langtree could be any organisation run jointly by the two.

You wouldn't say "Aspull, New Springs and Whelley is the official name of Aspull", woud you? or "Shevington with Lower Ground" is the official name of Shevington?

My money's on the table.

Comment by: Roy on 22nd January 2023 at 18:19

Bruce, all the other townships you mention have nothing to do with each other apart from the fact that they border each other. Have you never read about the ten parishes of Standish, i won't type them but the first one is Standish with Langtree, the other nine are still in existence, there is NO such a place as Langtree, one did exist here in the 1200's but is no more. There IS a Langtree in Devon. You've mentioned one of the parishes, ie Shevington, i'll leave it to you to find the rest, and by the way, it is Standish Lower Ground, which has nothing to do with Shevington. Old electoral ward you say, the electoral ward still exists and did so at the last election. Oh and something else you might want to know. History states that, the township of Wigan, although physically belonging to Standish, has always lain in another parish and hundred.

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