Photo-a-Day (Wednesday, 26th October, 2022)
King Street West

Photo: Dennis Seddon (Sony DSC-WX500)
That's a nice view, Dennis. I like sunshine and shade. The building to the left, which has been a variety of nightclubs and discos over the years, used to house Gee's School of Dancing when I was a child, (not that I ever attended there), and, if you are in a position where you can see the back part of the roof, you can see the very faded lettering advertising it as such.
It looks lovely on the photo but further down with the old station building it’s a a bit dilapidated. It’s a shame really. You can imagine the busy area it would have been at one time. Especially with the other magnificent building at the very end.
Makes you wonder what folk from those times would think if they saw it now as it is.
Another cleverly positioned viewpoint. Irene is quite right about Gee’s school of dancing. In my teen years I and my group of friends enjoyed Saturday night dancing there, quieter than other venues, no alcohol, merely fizzy drinks. What a sheltered life we led.
I was on my bike and stopped for a pee behind those bushes, I wont bore with what I found but the authorities where informed.
I'm surprised the scrap men have not lifted those wrought iron railings by now
King Street West was the taxi rank ,
And the smell of onions from the hot-dog stands
Of Polish vendors in white over alls ,
Yellow lights glowing from their carts .
Trucks night club was rammed with Punks ,
Sweaty Betty's full of drunks.
We stood in drizzle at two a .m .
With the queue stretching almost back to Pemps .
Mick, beware where you is an offense to urniate in public ....behind bushes or not !
Offence, Urinate.
Mick de Wigan was all at sea
When he arrived in Wigan in need of a pee
To find a urinal he did his best
But urinal there was not in King Street West
So over a wall and into bushes
Ran Mick de Wigan to save his blushes
But alas, alack and fear the worst
For Mick came second and the pee came first.
Hilarious DT, my imagination ran riot.
I've driven down here umpteen times, but never knew that grassed area went so far back, though when driving you do tend to just quickly glance over rather than to have a good toot, especially when buses are swerving out around the corner from Hallgate and ofttimes being in the centre of the road.
Mick, I can guess it wouldn't have been a bag of Diamonds from Hatton Gardens or a pot of Leprechaun's gold you found there, more likely a load of used syringes and bongs.
Mick , we have Diwali up here , and folk are going nuts about fireworks after hours . Do they have Diwali your end ?
A case of Nimby-ism ..
very funny Dtease.
Cyril , the drug runners escape and throw , can be worth ten grand worth of sales . No wonder young people are eager to get in there and join . I earned £3 .16 . 7p for a weeks hard work . They can earn 50 in a second . We turn a blind eye to what’s really going on
Humble apologies Bruce Almighty !