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Photo-a-Day  (Saturday, 15th October, 2022)

Haigh Hall Miniature Railway

Haigh Hall Miniature Railway
Volunteers have been getting the railway back up and running. A shuttle service was running on 02-10-2022. A service will run every weekend subject to volunteer availability and weather.

Photo: David  (Sony RX100)
Views: 1,771

Comment by: PeterP on 15th October 2022 at 05:21

What a ugly beast of a loco

Comment by: Veronica on 15th October 2022 at 07:32

Good for the volunteers.
Was the railway running through the Summer months?

Comment by: Wigan Mick on 15th October 2022 at 07:38

It looks nothing like Thomas.

Comment by: Julie on 15th October 2022 at 07:54

David is it not the same people who used to run it in 2019, has it changed hands.

Comment by: Poet on 15th October 2022 at 09:22

Do children today still perceive a train to be something like Thomas the Tank Engine or , if asked , would they draw you a picture of a modern electric train ? . I doubt any would draw anything resembling the machine in the photo .
The concept of a train has perhaps changed . Once a ' real ' thing with a shape that defined exactly what it was . Now just a propulsion unit .

Comment by: Poet p.s. on 15th October 2022 at 09:52

This strange beast looks more akin to the odd looking contraptions that first appeared at the dawn of the railway age . Some of them unrecognisable as steam trains .

Comment by: irene roberts on 15th October 2022 at 10:02

The rear part, where the passengers are seated, reminds me of the old "tractor" on which we used to ride down to the hall from the plantation gates on Wigan Lane in Summer, The photo even captures the "sunshine alternated with shade" which was such a memorable part of that almost magical journey to a small child.

Comment by: Fred on 15th October 2022 at 10:50

The pic is well taken, but the loco takes the edge off it.

Comment by: Fred on 15th October 2022 at 10:55

I entered two photos for PAD on the 12th of September, and they have not come on yet, this photo was only taken on the 2nd of October.

Comment by: Tom on 15th October 2022 at 12:23

It looks like one of them that they use in tin mines in upper Mongolia

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 15th October 2022 at 13:10

Nice photo David, the ' engine' does look a bit over engineered, a bit of a lump.
At Peterborough Country Park they have a little railway. The engine there is beautiful, built to the design & scale of an Indian Hill railway engine. It puffs its way along, connecting one part of the park to another. A real delight.

Comment by: irene roberts on 15th October 2022 at 13:13

Fred, a friend of mine used to send in some brilliant photos, (and I know they were brilliant because he emailed them to me), but they were never shown. He just stopped sending them in, which was such a shame.... he just gave up bothering.

Comment by: Owd Reekie on 15th October 2022 at 13:54

It would not be difficult to put a covering on it. As it is I would think it would disturb the smaller kiddies. I was fortunate enough to have grown up with steam trains which have left an indelible mark on me. This contraption would have also left an indelible mark but of a different kind. Have been to see the Flying Scotsman today at Kings cross ( I live in London ). That is probably the ultimate locomotive.

Comment by: Veronica. on 15th October 2022 at 14:23

It just makes you wonder why that happens when photos don’t appear. It’s good to see different posters offerings for P @ D. Another different angle makes all the difference.

Comment by: Cyril on 15th October 2022 at 15:47

Irene, it is reminiscent of the seating on the tractor transporter, and the orange painted engine looks to be from off a sort of industrial tractor unit, so maybe that has similar sound.

You wouldn't have thought there would be a shortage of volunteers wanting to operate the train, though after going around the track for the umpteenth time I suppose it would get a bit repetitive, though I'm sure the look of joy on children's faces would go far in offsetting the tedium of riding around the same area.

Comment by: Fred on 15th October 2022 at 15:50

Irene, I don't know how it works, I put three pics on the first time, and only two were put on pad, others have had four pics on pad,and not just once, it may be some enter lots of photos,

Comment by: Wigan Mick on 15th October 2022 at 16:56

Fred, Ive sent loads of photos into PAD but many of them never appear.
I remember Brian saying when he built the new Wiganworld that PADS that didn't appear would be put into another photo album, but I cant see any evidence of one.

Comment by: Fred on 15th October 2022 at 17:43

Mick, I have only sent 7 photos in from the 24th August, a set of 3, and two sets of 2, only 4 have been posted on pad.

Comment by: Marky on 15th October 2022 at 18:20

Thank you Brian ! I don’t know you or Ron from Adam , but I am so grateful you show me pictures daily where I can see my journey from my birth at Prescott St to my current landing . God Bless .

Comment by: Bruce Almighty on 15th October 2022 at 19:55

What a sorry looking attempt. It's just an old diesel generator. They'll never attract people to Haigh Hall if that's their capabilities.
And, do you know why they've had to leave this attraction (?) to "the volunteers"?
It's because the lion's share of the budget will be taken up by 'the management'. AL will be paying AL and vice versa.

Comment by: David on 15th October 2022 at 19:55

This was posted on the Haigh Woodland Park Facebook page on the 6th of October.


Haigh Woodland Park are very excited to announce the resumption of the Miniature 15 Inch Gauge Woodland Railway.

Following a 2 year lay off and the hard work of Volunteers – the incredibly popular – Plantation winding - family attraction is once again running.

The Railway – run entirely by its dedicated un-paid staff, will be open each Saturday and Sunday (11.00am – 4.00pm) for the time being and provide a temporary ‘Out and Back’ ride (rather than the usual circular journey). Nevertheless – its full steam ahead, with the Miniature Railway Team now working on full track refurbishment and bringing in a prized Steam Locomotive for Autumn and Winter.

The Railway Attraction is still just £1 per person per ride!"

Comment by: Cyril on 16th October 2022 at 15:14

Thanks for putting that information on and also the photo David, good to see that a prized steam locomotive is also to be used, that will not only thrill the children but adults too I'm sure, and at only £1 per ride it's really good value and knowing it's going towards the upkeep of rolling stock, the tracks and further development of the rides also benefiting. Ignore the resident negative poster he doesn't know his Rs from his elbow, and don't forget Brucie that public liability insurance won't be cheap. It may well be just an old diesel engine but it's still working and doing a grand job, besides if a few modelled and painted panels were put on it could become a superb miniature diesel locomotive along with the distinctive two tone horn. It been a few years since we took our grandson for a ride on the train and it was a lot longer ride than I'd anticipated too going along near the Swan mussel pond. It was quite an enjoyable ride to round off an afternoon going through the trees seeing squirrels and birds, and yes, I would go on the train again.

Comment by: Veronica on 16th October 2022 at 16:25

Well said as usual Cyril, that’s telling ‘um.
I can imagine some pictures painted on the engine would be grand. Something children today could relate to.

Comment by: carolaen on 16th October 2022 at 17:11

We lived for 10 years in Watford in the 1980s and 90s. There is a wonderful park by the town centre. (Cassiobury Park) that has a similar miniature raliway with steam engines. A highlight of the year was Bonfire night when not only was there a huge (free) bonfire and firework display but the steam engines ran as well dashing round in the dark. I have fond memories of the Haigh Hall railway but nothing beats steam.

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