Photo-a-Day (Monday, 10th October, 2022)
Market Hotel, Wigan

Photo: Dennis Seddon (Sony DSC-WX500)
Reminds me of the film ‘The Shining’ . Why is there no one at the bar?
Al Bowley singing Midnight …. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was haunted. Very sad feeling about it…
Its nowt like the Market Hotel I remember.
Dennis , I have travelled back in time . A very powerful image . The stopped clock most poignant .
Saturday night . Sports jacket on , collar out over the lapels . Hi Karate . Girlfriend in Culottes and Charlie perfume . Brown and Bitter please and a Pina Colada . That'll be 90 pence sir .
It's like The Marie Celeste.....eerie and empty, as if it's wondering "What happened?".
"TIME - gentlemen, please"!
I agree Syd.
I’m so old Poet that I can remember when one pound note (Old money) would buy you eight pints of bitter. Now you would need to take out a second mortgage to pay for eight pints.
Where did it all go wrong?
I do not recognise this in any shape or form. When I used to go in it was a lot different to this. Last time I went in would be 1974. Colin Cooke was the landlord and it sold Draught tartan. The only Scottish & Newcastle pub in Wigan as I recall. A great place for youngsters to go.
Dennis, I remember a pint costing 1/5d , about 7p. So you would get 14 pints for £1 with 2d change. You could probably use that for the bus fare home - if you could remember where you lived and what a bus was!
We would come down from the office at John Englands at lunch time a sandwiche and half larger happy days but it did not look like your photograph
Does anyone remember the small room on the Marsden Street side, I think they used to call it The Horsebox or something like that?
I do remember that room DTease, saying room it was more like a vestibule or porch, the first time I went into The Market I went through that door thinking I'd end up in the pub, and Colin being the genial host told me to around to the doors on Mesnes St and choose a room to be in. and it did have a nickname of something along what you say, though I can't recall it. If Dennis hadnt said his photo was of The Market interior as it is now, I wouldn't have known as its unrecognisable, and had the heart and soul ripped out of it.
Owd Reekie, though not Wigan exactly the Rock Ferry at Lower Ince was also a Scottish and Newcastle pub.
I remember the small room on theMarsden Street side. It was the Vault (official name) and was the size and shape of a horse box. The old men went in there. Best part was the main public bar. Quite a few hippy dippies in there in those days.