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Photo-a-Day  (Sunday, 18th September, 2022)

View towards Haigh Hall

View towards Haigh Hall
Taken from St James & St Thomas, Poolstock.

Photo: Andrew Fishburn  (Canon EOS 5D Mark III)
Views: 1,770

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 18th September 2022 at 08:08

Thats amazing Andrew....I never thought Haigh was on a hill but then thought about it. Wigan is in hollow as canals & rivers are usually low lying. I am the navigator, still use a map when we are driving abt this country tell the driver ...we are going to go downhill soon there is river on the map.....

Comment by: DTease on 18th September 2022 at 09:14

If His Nibs was still living in his mansion on the hill, I bet he would be ringing the bell for Jeeves and saying “Jeeves my man I have been reading in the Times about there being an energy shortage this winter. Better throw a few more of Mick’s council tenants down the Pit Shaft what. We don’t want to be having our runny egg and soldiers in a cold dining room do we old chap?”.
“While you’re at it, throw a few of their kids down has well. They’ll be warmer down there rather than sitting in a drafty schoolroom. I don’t suppose they’ll be grateful for my benevolence but that’s a cross that I have to carry. Rank has its responsibilities Jeeves”

Comment by: irene roberts on 18th September 2022 at 10:08

Helen, on a very clear day you can see it from Standishgate, opposite where Woolworths used to be; I think we just tend not to look that far into the distance when we are shopping. I love Haigh Hall.....it just brings back so many happy memories of going there with my parents as a child and with friends in later years, DTease, I think His Nibs is ordering Jeeves to provide Afternoon Tea for Lady Dolly and Lady Molly.....now be a good lad and we'll save you a butty, won't we, Veronica?!

Comment by: Poet on 18th September 2022 at 10:41

Haigh Hall . Home of the Municipal Golfer . Football boots not spiked shoes . No shirt in summer . Eyes closed and both feet off the ground when driving off . Balls splayed in every direction but straight .
From the tee they part like the arrows on Dad's Army only to meet again on the green some half an hour later .
" How many shots you had ? "
" 3 " , would come the hugely underestimated score . " You ? "
" 3 as well ", the inaccurate reply , for they had taken about 8 really , double that if you include fresh air swings .
They've seen the Pro's on tele . They too dangle a glove from the back pocket . Wear the Greg Norman hat . Survey the putt with Euclidean precision . They still take 4 shots before the bashed and battered ball sinks into the hole .
If Haigh Hall held a Municipal Golfer's Open it should be shown on the BBC , along with the rest of the comic sport they shove down our necks these days .

Comment by: Gary on 18th September 2022 at 11:15

Funny how a photo can bring back a memory - standing with my mum, aged about eight, on Station Road, waiting for the number 15 bus. Looking to the right of the Ritz, in the middle distance, noticed the building on the hill. The penny dropped. It's Haigh Hall.
It was still post war shambolic then, the interior had gloss paint on the public corridor walls and held a Wall's ice cream fridge.
Good photo.

Comment by: Fred on 18th September 2022 at 11:19

A lot to see and the Hall really stands out, an excellent pic.

Comment by: Wigan Mick on 18th September 2022 at 11:36

A great place to see trains passing through Wigan Northwestern Station.

Comment by: Tom on 18th September 2022 at 13:12

Yes I agree with you Wigan Mick, it would make an excellent point to take photos of trains, especially a steam train.

Comment by: Dick Dastardly on 18th September 2022 at 16:35

Hey up . He's talking to himself again .

Comment by: Mutley on 18th September 2022 at 20:56

"I never thought Haigh was on a hill"


Comment by: Veronica on 18th September 2022 at 23:26

Every time I sat in the Cafe upstairs in Debenhams I loved seeing the Hall in the distance whilst drinking my coffee. It stood out
like a pale grey shimmering vision amongst the trees. Made me dream awhile and drift back in time…. Memories are made of this….

Comment by: Veronica on 19th September 2022 at 09:37

It’s got to be ‘high’ tea my lady nothing less!

Comment by: DTease on 19th September 2022 at 16:14

Poet, for the first few years after the Golf Course opened, the local lads had a thriving business dragging golf balls out of the canal near the main drive bridge and selling them back to the hapless golfers who had put them in there in the first place.
Sadly for the lads the Course was re-configured and it put them out of business.

Comment by: Poet on 20th September 2022 at 07:48

The council seem have a penchant for hindering small enterprise DT .

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