Photo-a-Day (Friday, 26th August, 2022)
Captain Dog
Nice pic Mick.
I'm glad to see the Captain is securely tethered !
The Daffodils might be plastic, plenty of people who aren't very good at gardening use plastic flowers inside and outside of their houses these days
This is my chair, keep off, it must have been taken in early Spring though.
Fred, I agree with your words regarding the season.
There are no leaves on the tree and the vegetation next to the water is still brown; with the daffodils in flower, I would say that this is possibly March or early April.
Nice photograph, though.
The daffodils are different shapes and sizes, some of which are still just in bud. Definitely real and not plastic.
Not much of a guard dog they have pinched all of the washing.
Namaste , ‘I bow to you’.
Lots of plastic flowers available in B&M bargains and you see them being used in graveyards now.
So I can see canal boaters using them to brighten up the bank side.
Pound to a penny the plastic daffodils where made in China . When are we going to wake up to this dreadfully selfish country that produces trillions of stuff that will cause more harm than good . If you’ve got a major fire you don’t ask for more petrol . China wants only profit and everything else couldn’t care a jot .
Ugh ! I can’t think of anything worse than plastic flowers.
I can remember the days when people bought plastic fruit to put in a glass bowl on the dresser. No thanks. The daffodils are genuinely growing in drifts. Nice to see but it’s getting on for Autumn.
Napoleon once said “Let China sleep, for when she awakes she will rule the world” ….or something along those lines.
Let’s face it, Napoleon had to get something right sooner or later.
Gone are the days we could speak ! Woke? Whatever that is? Politically correct ? Where in heavens name are we going? Once you could watch shows on the telly AND , enjoy them, and now the same shows banned as if you are watching Satan , himself . True , I am a newt called an old timer , but blimey! Now people feel afraid to say what they think . I may not have many years left but I'm glad I came from a time and generation who were unafraid to speak .. If you can't say truly how you feel, what's left?
Quite right Dave, Publish and be damned!
I would imagine the photo is around Spring time, no leaves on the tree to the left, so I'll go with real Daffs.