Photo-a-Day (Tuesday, 9th August, 2022)
Worthington Lake

The water level is well down at this time.
Photo: Dennis Seddon (Nikon D7500)
We dont have many reservoirs in Nth Norfolk , if any . Our son sent pics of a walk he took at The Dovestones & The Chew reservoirs near Oldham it was quite shocking to see such lack of water. From where he stood to take a pic , he would in normal times have been under 100ft of water.
At least we have a water supply
A scene of high summer Dennis . Looks like one chap's having a good loz and getting some U.V 's . That shade to his left looks most inviting.
I wonder Dennis, were there any Cormorants on the ironwork ?
I don't think I've ever passed by without there being .
I believe there was Poet, I took a couple of photos but they were too far away to get a good shot. Mind you I’m no expert on birds.
I’m becoming a regular around these lakes, this must be the third or fourth time I have been up there this year. You couldn’t ask for a better place for a peaceful walk around the water.
A nice walk round the Reservoirs, I understand all our water comes from the Lake district, I think water from here went to Heinz, so I was told years ago.
The Wigan area water comes from Lower Rivington Reservoir.
Recieving you Bruce . There will be snow on the hills tonight. Over .
Only if Brucie plays his cards right Rene…will the cards fall in his favour… otherwise he will be locked in the cupboard in Fanny’s bedroom!