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Photo-a-Day  (Friday, 3rd June, 2022)

Rectory Nurseries

Rectory Nurseries
Independent garden centre run by father and son. It's on Rectory Road in Ashton and well worth a visit, contains lots of quirky exhibits!

Photo: Brian  (iPhone)
Views: 2,046

Comment by: wigginlad on 3rd June 2022 at 07:36

Get that advert in Brian !!

Comment by: PeterP on 3rd June 2022 at 09:12

Saw Kevin having a bus mans holiday yesterday looking at the plants in Asda Golborne

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 3rd June 2022 at 09:18

What a colourful pic Brian...I like nurseries more than ' garden centres' they are much more interesting.

Comment by: irene roberts on 3rd June 2022 at 10:01

What a bright, colourful photo....it looks as if it is somewhere foreign, not Ashton!

Comment by: Dave Lewis on 3rd June 2022 at 10:17

This Father and son team Kevin & Carl have worked wonders from what was once an allotment, their hard work and dedication certainly shows that and is a must to see, well done lads you've put the estate where I grew up on the map.

Comment by: Dougie on 3rd June 2022 at 11:37

For anyone that's not been to have a look at the place, the one and only Jimmy 'O' made this video on a visit to Kevin's garden centre two years ago, well worth a look here https://youtu.be/CsisuCKHFg0

Comment by: Joan on 3rd June 2022 at 11:40

Ive been told that Boby the Appley Bridge Donkey grave stone in here

Comment by: Veronica on 3rd June 2022 at 12:17

Looks a nice place to go and browse and find some ideas for the garden. Nothing nicer than strolling around a garden centre especially if there’s a cafe as well. It would need to be handy for the bus though for me as I don’t drive these days.

Comment by: Maureen on 3rd June 2022 at 12:31

I would love to see that..it looks beautiful...and well done to Kevin and Carl.

Comment by: James Hanson on 3rd June 2022 at 13:05

This place was once voted the best garden centre in St.Helens.

Comment by: Mal on 3rd June 2022 at 13:15

This place was featured in 'Salvage Hunters' a while back where Drew Pritchard and 'Tee' paid a visit and bought one or two items.

Comment by: . Ozy . on 3rd June 2022 at 13:33

I gave Kevin an antique, cast iron , French , bottle corking machine many years ago.

The contraption must have weighed 2cwt minimum.

I dare say it’s still in there, buried among his mountain of jun……
…..err….collection of artefacts.
Ask him to show it to you next time you visit.

Logic suggested to me at the time that any amount of humongous lumps of metal, however ornate, and sought after by the likes of yon mon from Conway, whose sole purpose being merely to squeeze corks into wine bottles would prove to be of far less use to me than one simple implement designed to extract them again.

And I’ve been proven right, even though it may have set me back a few bob over the decades.

Comment by: Mal on 3rd June 2022 at 13:34

This is the episode (with Johnny Vegas) on YouTube.


Comment by: Dave on 3rd June 2022 at 18:06

Ozy , I don’t know you from Adam , but WW would be lesser without you . Love reading your posts , the longer the better for me . Enjoy the ride , we each are upon .

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 3rd June 2022 at 20:00

I agree Dave !

Comment by: . Ozy . on 3rd June 2022 at 20:31

It would be discourteous of me not to thank you for your comment Dave, and yours also Helen but having posted your comments, you may soon discover that not many who visit these pages share your views.

And you probably won’t have to wait very long before it becomes very clear what I mean.

All the same.

Regards. Ozy.

Comment by: irene roberts on 3rd June 2022 at 20:43

Well I DO know Ozy, Helen and Dave, and he's sound as a pound, I promise you. And I love reading his posts too. Very well-written and entertaining.

Comment by: Veronica on 3rd June 2022 at 22:10

I agree as well Ozy - for what it’s worth I think you come across as intelligent, very well written and humorous with it. I’ve said it before, it’s not the same when you disappear - Dtease has nobody to spar with.

Comment by: Dave on 3rd June 2022 at 22:16

With Ozy’s posts Irene , I always want to settle in , if you get my meaning …

Comment by: . Ozy . on 3rd June 2022 at 22:50

Behave yourself Irene, you’ll have me in bloody tears before long.

But since this thread concerns Kevin Duffy, I’d just like to relate one more incident that I recall from years ago concerning Kevin then that’s me done.

I bumped into him in Warrington road in Ashton early one morning in the summer of 1962 or 63.

I seem to recall he’d just left school and secured employment, working at yon place that barely passed as some kind of secure facility for the terminally confused that used to stand close by Haydock park racecourse.

It was demolished in the 70s or thereabouts. Check it out. The info’s all out there somewhere.

The wrought iron gates of this facility opened out onto the main A49 trunk road where Kevin stood, taking a smoke break.

I think he was employed as a gardener, but I’ve only just this minute remembered that.

He was only a little 15 year old lad at that time, pretty much the same as I was, and I remember him telling me that his dad had caught him smoking and by way of a deterrent , had made him eat the remainder of the pack of 20 Woodbines.

He’s still knocking about, so maybe Kevin’s dad got it right eh ?

I mentioned the occasion to Kevin a couple of years back, but he has no recollection of the event.

So there we have it.

Either Kevin’s brain is cooked, or mine is.

You decide.

Hope this post was long enough for you Dave.
Let me know if it wasn’t, and I’ll remedy that next time.

Comment by: Edna on 3rd June 2022 at 23:15

What's there not to love about Ozy's comments, it's good we have some humorous folk on here.Ps, lovely photo Brian, would love to visit there.

Comment by: irene roberts on 4th June 2022 at 13:11

Ozy. I am lost as to the place you mention near Haydock Park. As you say, "the info's all out there somewhere", but what info? I have no idea what I'm looking for or why you state that it "barely passed" as whatever it was. I am just interested as I worked in Ashton in 1969 and 1970 and can't imagine what it was??

Comment by: John G on 4th June 2022 at 14:24

Hi Irene/ Ozy: Hope I’am not interrupting your post, the information Irene that Ozy was referring to was on line like Wikipedia, according to the information the building in question was in lodge lane.
Haydock lodge Asylum for the insane, it was a private asylum.
Opened around 1863-1966 then taken down in 1969. Hope you find it helpful.

Comment by: irene roberts on 4th June 2022 at 15:10

Thanks, John G.

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