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Photo-a-Day  (Thursday, 14th April, 2022)


Glover's farm, Standish.

Photo: Poet  (Lenovo TAB 2 A10-70F)
Views: 2,050

Comment by: John on 14th April 2022 at 09:11

The plough person has left a field of furrows.

Comment by: John G on 14th April 2022 at 09:31

Poet: When I was a young lad I used to mate around with a farmers son.
And occasionally help out on the farm, they showed me how to use a tractor, and various tools.
Arrowing was one of them, driving in a straight line in a field may sound easy, but like everything else until you developed the knack you went all over the place, may be that’s why they never let me plough.
But when you looked back over the field, his dad either gave you the thumbs up or down, after a bit of time it was generally a smile and thumbs up.
Nice photo for me of a time gone, it was very peaceful tending the land.

Comment by: Veronica on 14th April 2022 at 10:09

Another surreal scene...this time Worzel and Aunt Sally hiding in the hedges..

Comment by: irene roberts on 14th April 2022 at 10:16

"The ploughman homeward plods his weary way, and leaves the world to darkness...and to me". What a peaceful photo.

Comment by: Dougie on 14th April 2022 at 10:19

My time on the farm no Tractors only Horses to do the work , arrowing was done with two horses pulling two small arrows with 1 0r 2 sacks of spuds on each to aireat and brake up the soil for sowing,

That field could have taken the farmer 2 or 3 days to finish

Comment by: fredq on 14th April 2022 at 10:42

A nice photo, to plough one acre with the old 9 inch, you would travel 11 miles

Comment by: Pw on 14th April 2022 at 18:44

Is it harrow?

Comment by: Cyril on 14th April 2022 at 19:53

Nice pleasant scene, I knew they harrowed before seeding, but didn't know exactly why it was so important until I read the link.

To Harrow or not to Harrow, That Is The Question?

Comment by: John G on 14th April 2022 at 20:12

PW: I think you may be correct, to Harrow a field.

Comment by: Veronica on 14th April 2022 at 21:13

" Whether ''tis nobler on the shoulder, to suffer the slings and harrows of outrageous pain in the back;
To die to sleep for a week, and to ease it with unctions Firey Jack!

Comment by: Veronica on 14th April 2022 at 21:41

'Unctuous Fiery Jack'
So glad that bloke who invented predictive text has popped his clogs! Sorry I couldn't go to his funfair..

Comment by: Poet on 14th April 2022 at 22:00

I have an old 'Out of Town' DVD showing Jack Hargreaves harrowing a field in the way Dougie describes , and yes it took him days . The poor chap looked more knackered than the horses , but what a satisfying job .

I hear a lot of farmers have been told to plant rape seed because of supply problems with veg oil from Russia . The field come July could be a dazzling yellow and that heavy pollen scent filling the air .
Thanks for your comments.

Comment by: Veronica on 14th April 2022 at 22:36

You must get a photo of the field in all its glory Poet. Especially with the golden field offset with a blue, blue sky--- Ukraine's colours.

Comment by: Edna on 14th April 2022 at 22:54

Lovely photo poet, very relaxing.It reminds me of Worzel Veronica.

Comment by: e on 15th April 2022 at 00:02

On sleeping, sweeping vacant space ,
Will soon be sunshine in its place ,
Beauty , gladness , hearts shall seek ,
As Nature’s hand becomes complete..
Morning dew will melt to rise ,
To cloudless blue and longing skies ,
Where we reach and heaven flies ,
Shall be our bird song wish..

Comment by: Cyril on 15th April 2022 at 14:40

Veronica, a few years ago I found that Fiery Jack wasn't as fiery as it once was, though quite a lot more expensive and in a much smaller tin.

Potter's did an excellent joint and muscle rub called Chilli Paste which was very warming - and did the job of easing joints and muscles marvellously, however they discontinued it from public sale after being bothered with ambulance chasing lawyers, apparently some inane folks were trying to make claims after saying it had burned their eyes. Though I'm told that Medical Herbalists can prescribe this or similar products.

Comment by: Veronica on 15th April 2022 at 15:00

It was strong stuff Cyril. I remember we always had a tin of Fiery Jack in. My dad worked outside and they didn't have waterproofs in those days.!
Apologies to the Bard for desecrating his noble words.! One of my favourite speeches from Hamlet - what a tortured soul he was!

Comment by: Cyril on 15th April 2022 at 15:37

Was it Sloan's liniment that was also a hot muscle rub?

You can also get the hot chilli paste ointment (capsaicin) from the chronic pain clinic. https://www.wwl.nhs.uk/media/.leaflets/6183b1ddd74498.98911999.pdf

So true 'e', it'll be full of nesting territorial singing birds at the moment, and they would have had their fill of insects uncovered by the harrowing.

Comment by: Veronica on 15th April 2022 at 16:31

That's right Cyril Sloans Linament I think it was green..? Not too sure..

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