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Photo-a-Day  (Saturday, 5th March, 2022)


Barkers-de-Lane Farm, just over the border in Blackrod. Taken from Ephraim’s Fold, Aspull.

Photo: Dennis Seddon  (Sony DSC-WX500)
Views: 1,986

Comment by: Mick on 5th March 2022 at 08:11

My garage doors came from down there

Comment by: irene roberts on 5th March 2022 at 08:36

What a lovely view, and what a contrast in names....Barkers-de-lane sounds very "ooh-la-la" French and Ephraim's Fold sounds very "Sunday-go-to- Chapel" Lancashire!

Comment by: Gary on 5th March 2022 at 08:51

Back in the day, 1966 or 67, someone tried to set up a hunt on that land - horses, riders, some flash coats. I'm sure it only happened once.
Good photo Dennis, as usual.
Last saw it on the upper deck of the number 16 Wigan Corporation bus to Horwich.

Comment by: PeterP on 5th March 2022 at 09:02

Proves there is a little bit of green spaces left

Comment by: irene roberts on 5th March 2022 at 09:27

What a lovely view but what a contrast in names .....Barkers-de-lane sounds very "ooh-la-la French" and Ephraim's Fold sounds very "Sunday-go-to-chapel" Lancashire!

Comment by: Veronica on 5th March 2022 at 10:20

I hope the land grabbers don't get at all that lovely greenery in the foothills of Winter Hill.

Comment by: Dennis Seddon on 5th March 2022 at 12:47

Apparently, the farm and land go back to Elizabethan times and one of the early owners was hung, drawn and quartered as a traitor.
I met the present owner a couple of years ago when out on one of my walks and we got chatting. He told me that he had researched the history of the site and he had all the deeds of the land going back hundreds of years.
The original house is at the back of the farmyard and I think he said that it is now used as a barn.
Being interested in family history myself I could have stayed there all day!

Comment by: Veronica on 5th March 2022 at 14:27

I always say the same about deeds to properties going back hundreds of years. I would love to see them. My house is only 60 years old with one owner but it was farmland with interesting info of 2 old ladies who owned the land

Comment by: Kath H on 5th March 2022 at 16:26

My aunt and cousins lived in Ephraims Fold in the 1950’s when they were the old terraced houses.
Happy Days.

Comment by: Elizabeth on 5th March 2022 at 17:28

Have memories of walking to Rivington with schoolfriend in the 1960's, we had eaten our packed lunches by the time we got to here ! Lovely area. X

Comment by: . Ozy . on 5th March 2022 at 17:29

Going back a few years,..back to the early 60s in fact, I'd cycle from Garswood to Blackrod and back almost every Saturday in order to spend a few hours changing wheels on Fred Rose's ERFs.,...this among many other menial tasks that the jokers in the garage could find to offload onto a naïve 14 year old that is.

You may even have seen me passing through Finger Post Dennis. The bike was an orange coloured Armstrong sports model with a six speed Benelux dérailleur.....ring any bells?

There was never any question of renumeration, I did it merely in order to have some kind of association with wagons.....a sixteen mile round trip just to play with wagons, closely followed by another 44 years driving the damn' things.
Once a mug, always a mug I suppose;....but few regrets.

Still, some people get their kicks by knocking a titchy ball around a big field with a stick before dropping it into a titchy hole for pleasure,...never could quite figure that one to be honest.....but each to his own I suppose.
Live and let live I say.

I discovered quite early on that by cutting in at Barkers-de-lane, I would eventually emerge out onto the A6 almost opposite Fred Rose's garage, thereby having saved myself...ooh!,...let's see.....probably 200 yards of pedalling had I carried on to Scot lane end.
Even back then I thought Barkers-de-lane was an odd sounding name for a farm.
The cast iron nameplate at the entrance is still up there though.

Just reminiscing,....nothing more.....not unless perpetuating the legend of Fred Rose haulage of Blackrod counts as something more.

Comment by: Dave on 5th March 2022 at 19:09

Elizabethan Dennis! I read traces of dinosaurs are in Preston and Runcorn - why not Wigan ?

Comment by: John G on 5th March 2022 at 20:37

Ozy: Your post was nice to read, it expressed the innocence of a fourteen year old boy who was aiming for something bigger and hopefully better in his life, it may have been naive, but that was irrelevant.
It echoed my experience of early life in to manhood and work, and I’am sure most Seventy year old somethings would have felt that tug of the heart as they read it.

Comment by: Dave on 5th March 2022 at 21:16

Elizabethan Dennis! I read traces of dinosaurs are in Preston and Runcorn - why not Wigan ?

Comment by: Edna on 5th March 2022 at 21:59

We spent a lot of our courting day's up Rivington in the 60s Elizabeth. May have passed you on our walks.You never know.xx

Comment by: Veronica on 5th March 2022 at 22:12

I agree John G - Ozy can relate a good tale.

Comment by: Veronica on 5th March 2022 at 22:14

When he's not busy cooking on his Aga - has he told you about his Aga?

Comment by: Dennis Seddon on 5th March 2022 at 22:14

Dave, most of the dinosaurs in Wigan have been voted on to the Council many years ago! I imagine they are still in storage somewhere.

Ozy, I can’t say I remember seeing your bike I’m afraid. Mind you from the way you describe it I think it would have been too far up the scale to attract my attention.
My bike consisted of an old abandoned frame with attachment’s courtesy of the local Council Tip.
Your interest in lorries must have been extreme to get you to do a sixteen mile round trip.
My bike was a wreck, but I remember the sense of freedom that it brought.
Places like Parbold Hill and Rivington became easily reachable. The canal grew in length by a factor of three.
I still have a bike in the shed but I doubt if I will ever ride it any distance again….still can’t bring myself to get rid of it though.

Comment by: Elizabeth on 6th March 2022 at 08:16

Yes,Edna,there's every chance.xx

Comment by: TerryW on 7th March 2022 at 12:02

Lovely picture, Dennis.

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