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Photo-a-Day  (Wednesday, 3rd November, 2021)

The Old and the New

The Old and the New
The former Wigan Mining and Technical College on the right and Wigan Life Centre on the left. From Millgate.

Photo: Dennis Seddon  (Sony DSC-WX500)
Views: 2,331

Comment by: PeterP on 3rd November 2021 at 07:09

In 50 years time which will still be standing? They don't even blend together this is the same all over Wigan. It proves it with what was a concrete block(the old police station) and the court house next door.

Comment by: Mick on 3rd November 2021 at 07:28

I bet the people who are working in the Wigan Life Centre, at this time of the year just love it with it being a nice warm and bright building.

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 3rd November 2021 at 07:32

Good to see the facade of the Mining College. My Grandfather Thomas Bryson was Head of Mining there. The Old facing the New across the way. Thanks Dennis.

Comment by: joe bloggs on 3rd November 2021 at 08:59

you will soon be able to see 8 storey block of flats facing the gas showrooms and an hotel facing the Queens hall now that our clowncil have approved the plans

Comment by: irene roberts on 3rd November 2021 at 09:27

Spring and Port Wine. I think everyone knows which one I prefer.

Comment by: annemarie on 3rd November 2021 at 09:57

Come to Wigan the only place in England with no town center.It will soon be as famouse as our pier

Comment by: Bruce Almighty on 3rd November 2021 at 09:59

That isn't Wigan Life Centre.

Comment by: Pat McC on 3rd November 2021 at 10:51

The people working in Wigan Life Centre are very lucky indeed - to be able to look out of their windows and see such a majestic and beautiful building as the old Wigan Mining and Technical College.
Great photo Dennis, thank you.

Comment by: Ticsmon on 3rd November 2021 at 12:41

'That isn't Wigan Life Centre.'

Yes it is. It's the Life Centre South. Life Centre North being where the library is housed.

Comment by: Veronica on 3rd November 2021 at 12:58

One thing is for sure in years to come 'they' won't be able to conjure up a facade of the modern building. The ultimate response to re-cycling of the Mining and Technical College.... I agree Pat.

Comment by: James Hanson on 3rd November 2021 at 13:24

Along with what Bruce said earlier, the council state on their web site, "Wigan Life Centre offers a range of public services under one roof" - " in a modern, friendly environment."

Wigan Life Centre
The Wiend

"We are the main building at the top of Millgate, opposite 'The Face of Wigan' sculpture."

Maybe they should change that to "Wigan Life Centre offers a range of public services under several roofs" - " in both modern and antiquated friendly environments."?

Comment by: Kay on 3rd November 2021 at 16:32

Well said Ann Marie,absolutely no town centre and no character !

Comment by: WN1 Standisher on 3rd November 2021 at 17:12

I know which one I'd rather be looking out of the window at

Comment by: Ticsmon on 3rd November 2021 at 18:42

The council also state on their web site:

'Located in the centre of Wigan, Wigan Life Centre boasts fantastic fitness and swimming facilities, providing local residents with an array of opportunities to get more active...

...Wigan Life Centre, College Avenue, Wigan, WN1 1NJ'

Comment by: irene roberts on 3rd November 2021 at 21:48

We were perfectly active when we had some shops and a market to walk around. I think most older people would prefer that to swimming and fitness facilities.

Comment by: Mick on 3rd November 2021 at 22:47

Trouble was Irene most older people preferred to shop at ASDA

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 4th November 2021 at 08:10

A bit late in the day to comment on this but..... it puzzles me when reading comments. If so many folk are unhappy with the way Wigan is run.....why do WMC keep getting re-elected ??

And to add to my pennyworth. I have heard it said that once towns are pedestrianised , they gradually die. No where to park close to shops & amenities & that means people have to walk & they dont like having to walk..so people travel elsewhere.

Comment by: Veronica on 4th November 2021 at 08:14

As you know Irene many people liked to shop in Morrisons and Marks... why go down to down to Robin Park and be stuck in traffic. Plus again, if no car, no point!

Comment by: annemarie on 5th November 2021 at 02:25

They get re-elected because people dont vote or if they do they vote the same old way.Living in Blackrod I unfortunatly dont have a vote for Wigan.

Comment by: Bruce Almighty on 5th November 2021 at 22:33

Regardless of where you live, you don't get to vote for the council. The council are employed by the government to carry out their policies at local levels. You vote for ward councillors. The councillors are 'supposed' to put forward the preferences of the ward electorate.
To have a conservative council and a labour majority of councillors is the best of both worlds, but only if the councillors do their job correctly.

Comment by: Lynne on 15th November 2021 at 15:33

I adore the new Wigan. We have to change as it is part of human nature.
Remove your rose coloured glasses with regards to past Wigan and embrace the changes. Compared to other northern towns, Wigan is a gem. It's time to throw out the clogs and shawls!

Comment by: Laura Monks on 15th November 2021 at 15:40

It isn't the council that has caused the demise of Wigan's town council, so why blame them? The demise was/is caused by online shopping. I expect many of those who moan about the lack of shopping facilities in the town are the same ones who buy from Amazon and the like. Pot called the kettle black springs to mind...

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