Photo-a-Day (Tuesday, 21st September, 2021)
The Old Spring
Sunny pic of a pleasant looking old pub.
Very nice Mick.
They spoiled the look when they put in those new windows.
When Heinz built the new factory it was said that they had plans to take water from the old spring and bottle it.
But after a lot of meetings in the USA the board of directors said that they didn't think people would want to be drinking water from bottles.
I could just sit there with a glass of lager and a bag of pork scratchings ans watch the world go by!
A lovely little pub. I agree with you about the windows Mick, but it still looks quaint and inviting. Beautiful stonework.
It's a lovely building. If it ever closed as a pub it would make a lovely house for a family.
Looks like a nice old pub.
That's a new one on me Simon but just imagine if Heinz had gone along and started bottling Kitt Green water, it could be a famous as Perrier water by now.
Good photo Mick, I was going to ask where it was then Simon W mentioned Heinz so I figures it was in Kit Green somewhere.
Next door to Heinz Derek.
Wonder who Karaoke Carl is? re the poster in the window.
Hang in there mate.. While you can.
Fight b'divil yon digger man.
They'll dig your roots out, cap n all,
Flog tha brick skin for some flash mans wall.
Treasured memories, hold on fast,
This ones on me, Special cask...