Photo-a-Day (Sunday, 18th July, 2021)
Up On The Roof

Photo: Dennis Seddon (Sony DSC-WX500)
A fantastic shot of the area, Dennis, thanks.
great photo as always. You forgot McDonalds middle left.
Derek, he referenced "Maccy D’s" middle left. Great photo Dennis, thanks.
Thanks Bob. Maccy D's not a description I'm familiar with in Canada.
The reference points for me were Wigan Little Theatre, the Ball & Boot and Wutchie.
Close by the theatre, mid 60s, "the Lads" electrical shop where I bought my first electric razor - Phillips - two header. Lasted 14 years.
A fine photo Dennis. I think you would have to try hard to get an indifferent one, and even then not succeed!
Nice picture....I really like that. I am absolutely useless when it comes to the geography of places and it is so good to see all these well-known places all at once and all named! I often see old pics of Scholes or Wallgate on Wigan World or facebook which fascinate me but I can never get my bearings and have to ask for help.
Trees do soften the edges of places, that's a good thing with modern property. I remember the Ball and Boot when it was first built as we used to go in there for a quiet drink in the middle of the week. I don't know what it's like these days, I'm surprised it still goes under the same name. I remember the Waterwheel as well. It seemed a novelty in those days, a pub underneath the tall flats.
Veronica, the Ball & Boot was renamed once to Sam's Bar, then it went back to Ball & Boot.Good photo Dennis
Its good of the Wigan council to leave the vacant green area on right so the locals can can dump anything they are discarding.
I remember now Edna, but that was well after my time. It was a trendy title , I often wondered who 'Sam' was I don't think he came from Wigan though...;o))
I don't normally side with Wigan Council but I can't see how they can be to blame if people decide to dump anything they are discarding on a green area? Surely the people doing the dumping are the ones at fault? Same with people chucking McDonalds food containers out of car windows as they drive along....McDonalds can't be blamed for supplying the containers. The only thing I could blame the council for is for not punishing the perpetrators when they ARE caught....but I defy anyone to catch them! If you confront them you just get a mouthful of abuse. I detest fly-tipping and litter-dropping but sadly that's how things are. I apologise if this answer appears twice; my last attempt didn't seem to have been accepted.
Veronica, didn’t a Rugby player have the Waterwheel at one time.?
It could have been Dtease but I don't remember which one. It was before I was married that I went in there, only a few times. It seemed a quiet place then. It must have been deliberately incorporated under the flats for the residents so they wouldn't lose touch. Most of St Pat's parish was installed in those flats. Probably a good idea at the time.
James, it may be my tired old eyes but, I can’t see any rubbish dumped on that grass!
It wasJohnny Stopford that had the Water Wheel.
Thanks for that Broady. I couldn't remember his name for the life of me. It would probably have come back to me about four o'clock tomorrow morning!
That is a great picture and of much interest. Apart from the WLT it looks like the buildings all date from the 1950's onwards. I would love to see any more taken from this vantage point.
Wasn’t there a block of flats where that bus is passing ? That building with solar panels . Maybe I’m getting mixed up with something else .
I think this photo was taken from the block of flats that you refer to Rainh. Never been any flats where the solar panels are.
There was some flats demolished (not tall ones) in an area close to the main road around about the area just out of the photo. Not that many years ago, not sure when.
There were once 70 pubs in Scholes . You could write a book just about the pubs . Imagine the tales , stories and characters ( including no doubt , quite a few human legends.. ) . Mouthwatering !
Don’t hear much about
Whelley .