Photo-a-Day (Wednesday, 26th May, 2021)
Hilda Ogden's Ducks
A quacking photo.
I was in Madam Tussards just the other day and there she was, Hilda (Jean Alexander) along with with Jack and Vera and I thought about those ducks on her wall. Good one Mick.
So that’s were they went.
It reminds me of the poem, "From the troubles of the world I turn to ducks...beautiful, comical things, sleeping or curled". I hadn't thought of that in years and it came straight back to me. Nice photo. xxxx
I would sooner see the antics of ducks any day, they are far more cheerful.
Hilda's "muriels"
You know what I find interesting about WW, is that if I scroll down on WW opening page I can view two randomly chosen old PADs.and the comments left.
What a beautiful photo Mick.
Think it was Sunday I looked over the garden wall to see how far the nettles had grown, lo and behold I disturbed a duck almost under my nose. Its quacking and flight then disturbed another duck several yards away, no water nearby. Question? why were they so far from water, if they were nesting then young ducklings would have a trek across two fields and through woods to water?
Excellent picture Mick , three stages of flight . You can smell the water
. Thank you for posting .
Maybe they were odd ducks?
If anyone else had posted that picture, Mick would have railroaded them.
Agreed. Good photo but I remember a certain Dave Oy being hounded off here with his photo's, some of wildlife that were slated as could have been anywhere. Favoritism was the cry, excellent PaD images lost.
A lovely change from yesterday's.
Excellent picture Mick , three stages of flight . You can smell the water
. Thank you for posting .
Fanxs folks
While this photo is of birds, I must tell you all about something I came across yesterday..Have a look at on YouTube, about kestrels....I hope you don't mind Mick.