Photo-a-Day (Monday, 12th April, 2021)
Tudor House Hotel

Photo: Dennis Seddon (Sony DSC-WX200)
Tudor House was an Anglican Convent connected with Parish Church. Later Vincent Hanley opened it as a public house .
Well I know which view I prefer....I am fed up of seeing glass boxes !
Nice before and now shot of the hotel . The main structure seems the same.What was the building in the tudor style and the dark bricked building to the right of the main hotel?? It looks like a chapel
There doesn't look much difference in the building of the hotel. What a shame the next building was demolished and wasn't the stone building a school? Pulled down for the bus station....I can't make out the date on the building. They certainly knew how to build in those days.
seen this when I've been looking for somewhere to stay but i couldn't place it's location. it looks ok on the photo. nice and central
I went in The Tudor only once many years ago and it was very atmospheric. My son was involved in the Quiz-Night there in the late 1990s and was always ringing me up to ask me about Sixties Music! I agree with Helen about glass boxes and with Veronica about the lovely buildings which used to stand next to The Tudor. I had never seen them before seeing this photo.
I didn't know that Tom. Thanks for the information. I believe Vincent 's niece ran the pub later. I knew her from the corner shop on a Higham St. They had a shop on Wellington Street previous to that one.
Think it was Blue Coats school next door?
Correct Dave, it was part of The National Blue Coat school at the bottom of Lower Hallgate, the small building on the corner was the infants, the junior boys and girls was a larger 2 storey building just around the corner.
Yes Dave,that was Bluecoats School,I used to park around there when my little'un went to that School,in fact that red car looks very much like the one I had at the time..and yes it did used to be a convent,doesn't it look a lot nicer than the building to its right,just loads of glass,it would be so nice to see more buildings looking like Tudor House.
Veronica yes you're right her name Lillian Hart , her Mum and Dad Roselyn and Norman before they moved to the shop you mention they had a shop on Wellington Street only yards from Roselyn Mothers shop Mrs Hanley . Seemed strange in competition
I remember Roselyn, when the shop was near you Veronica, I always thought she was very attractive..Talking about building's in Wigan, I have heard today that when the new Market Hall was built, the council couldn't afford to maintain it, and its now in a dangerous condition, and not fit for purpose. How many buildings in Wigan have been pulled down before their time.
All Saints had their Youth Club in Tudor House in the 1960’s.