Photo-a-Day (Thursday, 26th November, 2020)
Aspull Co-op

Photo: Dennis Seddon (Sony DSC-WX200)
I can always remember good old Aspull labour club when it was, until people into days society interfered and turned it into that awful coop shop. People today and businesses always have to interferre. That club used to be thriving with people in the 60s and 70s its so sad today all it is today is money making.
Julie its wasn't the awful Coop shops fault the good old Aspull labour club closed.
Julie 1960/70's are in the past . Most political clubs are a thing of the past.Most have either been pulled down or are now sports&social(community) clubs because this is the only way they can survive. At least the building above has a use.
Seems to me a food store is needed in Aspull especially in that location. There's people that live at the top of Dicconson Lane without a bus or car to get to the shops. It's a long walk for them getting there even! I heard the 715 bus was being put back in service, but no sign yet!
Indeed, societal norms and recreational activities change. Nothing lasts forever. Its just evolution and progress . The co op is a great use of the building thst serves the community. Better thsn to leave it rotting with decay and vandalusm. Aspull does not need that.
Better to be used as a Co-op and be full of people than rotting, which is what would have happened, followed by demolition when it became unsafe. We often go through a place called Brownhill near Blackburn and I noticed a closed-down pub, The Bull's Head, and thought what a shame such a magnificent building should be left to fall into decay. It is now Brownhill Co-op and seems to be much-used by the local community and still has the stone bull's head over the door as a reminder of its former use. Julie is right in that people loved Labour Clubs, Legions etc in the sixties and seventies....Peter and I used to follow a duo who appeared in local clubs and I recall going to Aspull Labour Club with them, and I worked at Bickershaw Labour Club for a time when it was thriving. Unfortunately they didn't appeal to the younger people. Many of the patrons from those days are no longer here and those of us who are left are of an age where we just don't want to go out at night.
It’s a sad thing that people no longer feel safe going out after dark. It’s almost as though the good folks have to go back to their own little prisons after dark while the bad guys are left to roam the streets freely.
Well JULIE, it appears that you've been shot down in flames and i'm afraid i agree with everyone on here, as Mick stated the Labour club closed, so, no one with money was 'interfering' in making it what it is today.
Pies’ve Come!
Me and my husband used to go to all the labour clubs Abram Platt Bridge Higher Ince Hindley those were the days but they have all gone now times change only St William’s in Ince is still going strong.
"You're sat in our seats"!
Give order, give order for' t' turn ! Bingo tickets are available from Nellie and Florrie , un' there's some very special prizes. A week in Rhyl on't Robin Hood caravan site fot 1st prize un a day eawt in Morcambe fot 2nd prize, seeing us it's Wigan Week holidays! So dig deep folks.
Good photo Dennis ,used to go in Friday evenings to watch the Rugby on Sky in the games room, always a good crowd in ,good pint of John Smiths .
That made me smile George , you're spot on there was hell to play if you took someones seat in the best room LOL, you had to be in early if a good artist was on .
Veronica, your dialect made me smile,we used to go in Aspull labour club in the 60s, and George is also right.Someone once said to us, tha cornt sit thier, its sumbody's seat, but the nor here yet..Ho! and if you won the bingo and you were not a member, only a visitor, all hell broke loose, tut tuts all round!!!!!
I'm guessing that the third prize would be a fortnight in Rhyl eh Veebs?
Eyes down for a line.
Edna , Ozy those days will never return....that generation has gone to the big Labour Club in the sky... pity because they were funnier than any turn on stage...
I know Veronica, they missed their way.We once went in when we had only been married for 12 month's, and a lady said to me."Do you know him," Because I've been married to him,meaning her husband,who was sat at her side.for 50yrs, and I still don't know him.Well!! I thought charming.