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Photo-a-Day  (Tuesday, 11th August, 2020)

Sunset at Wigan Flashes

Sunset at Wigan Flashes
Sunset from Moss Bridge overlooking Scotman's Flash 7th August 2020.

Photo: Dave (Oy)  (Fuji X-T4 : 16-55mm F/2.8 )
Views: 2,121

Comment by: Garry on 11th August 2020 at 04:36

Beautiful Dave, thank you.
Up early because of the thunder and lightning. Cheers.

Comment by: alan on 11th August 2020 at 04:40

A beautiful balanced picture spoiled by the signboard bottom left.

Comment by: Mick on 11th August 2020 at 08:06

I was down here last night and noticed that the new road building company had left a expensive combination lock and chain that was used to fasten a tow path closed sign to the gate.
Ive been in touch with a company representative and asked if he knew what is the combination to open the lock, but he didnt so it looks like it there to stay for the time being

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 11th August 2020 at 08:27

That is a very good photo, very clear...you must have known there was a chance of a good shot.

Comment by: irene roberts on 11th August 2020 at 09:07

That's beautiful. it really is. xx

Comment by: Veronica on 11th August 2020 at 09:08

The sky looks beautiful, the white clouds remind me of sheep!

Comment by: Maureen on 11th August 2020 at 09:08

Just beautiful,it so reminds me of a Constable painting..and love the suns beams shining through.
thank you Dave.

Comment by: Philip Gormley. on 11th August 2020 at 11:58

Wonderful wasn't it, Garry. I gave the early morning's show three parts of an hour. I looked west from the driveway at first and saw clouds appear from a previously unlit gloom, and then I looked east from the edgy comfort of my patio chair and saw the greatest Wagnerian sky ever, three raging blasts with electric blue (to say nothing of Brunhilde drawing her curtains), and then it rained. And now, at sup, I see rounded leafy limes beside an endless flowing 'Flash.

Comment by: Poet on 11th August 2020 at 14:48

Aye, what grandeur last night. I sat in the garden till about 2 with a bottle of Margaux and Sibelius on the headphones , the trumpets blasting the magnificent finale to the 2nd Symphony as two great forks of lighting ripped the sky . Astounding . Nature can't be beaten for beauty or drama as Dave shows here with another fine picture.

Comment by: James Hanson on 11th August 2020 at 18:37

Is there owt i'theer'?

Comment by: Philip Gormley. on 11th August 2020 at 20:56

That must be some finale Poet. I must sound it out. I got four pics with the Coolpix this morning but they were outshone by its four flashes that lit-up the road - the second having brought one chap to his front window. I like the skimmer's view of the 'Flash and the dusky yellow of the sunlit path, the latter coming by way of seeing instead of just looking - the mauve helped, though.

Comment by: Edna on 11th August 2020 at 22:59

Lovely photo,spent lots of time down there.Thank you for posting.

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