Photo-a-Day (Thursday, 30th July, 2020)
Pagett Rose Garden

Photo: Mick Byrne (Panasonic DMC-TZ100)
Good shot Mick. Is there something missing from the top of the column?
A bit of weed killer and a tidy up round the plinth would not go amiss.On the photo it makes what is a nice section of garden look neglected
It's lovely and peaceful in the rose garden. I think we have something to be proud of in our town's park.
Reminds me of an old black and white photo I have in the 60's crouched behind the sun dial with just my head showing, it looks as if I'm about to be beheaded. Playing silly beggars!
Love Wigan park.
A balanced photo with fine refrain, from Mick.
The Rose Garden was always a little haven of tranquility.
Its not just the weeds that need sorting out, its also the druggies who are using this quiet spot for all sorts of stuff.
There was 3 men and 1 woman undesirables sat on the bench at the back of me, I had to ask them to shift so I could stand on the bench to take this snap.
When I lived in Wigan more than 45 years ago Mesnes Park was kept impeccably and nowhere more so than in the Rose Garden. Now, thanks to the customary negligence and ineptitude of Wigan Council, it is a sorry sight indeed.
There's an info board on the entrance to this part of the park that shows the then Borough Engineer, Sir Ian McKellen's Father, opening it. We took Sir Ian to see it when he visited a few years ago.
Michael Gormally - I don't know whether the weeds are usually allowed to grow like this - by their length, I'd say probably not - but our Council has had other things on its mind for the past few months - and the parks people are only just getting back to their jobs after being redeployed on Covid-related tasks. Anyway, I think I'd rather the Council spent its scarce resources on people, rather than weed-killing.
Good photo Mick, you're right a good dose of weed killer would sort it out. Also a good dose for the druggies as well wouldn't go miss either. This Pagett family, is it the same one we've talked about before on PAD. That is the painters.
I guess not???
Mr Long, your defence of the indefensible just won't wash. Wigan Council was notorious for its neglect and incompetence long before the coronavirus ever reached our shores . Never mind Mesnes Park: just look around you at the state of the town as a whole. It is nothing short of a disgrace, and has been so for quite a long time.
The Rose Garden was always a little haven of tranquility.