Photo-a-Day (Wednesday, 1st July, 2020)
How to deal with the lockdown?
Ah, that's the life....
What a peaceful photo, Dennis.
These fishermen must be made of money with what they spend on camping and fishing equipment
Exactly, stay in the tent and throw the rubbish outside..somebody else will pick it up!
( unless it was there before pitching!)
What a mess around the illegal site
They must have worked on the oil rigs Mick !!!
I hope they tidy up after themselves. But, as V says, it may not be theirs.
Good pic Dennis, different theme than the usual PAD's
Yes, Dennis, I kinda like the idea of 'time beside a bay of Incey, O!', but this particular bay - of far-flung litter - doesn't quite please, and seems to belie a promised 'end of day decor' - the floating bag at day long point of interest most-telling. And what would Izaak have said on seeing a mess such as this on the banks of his 'Lea - a promised spud ignored with grace.
I hope they clean up after themselves who ever they are.
Just in the news on Breakfast this morning, and once again about people leaving their litter/bottles about at the seaside and country parks, it's an absolute disgrace. Barbeques left still burning and unattended causing grass fires and tree damage to our woodlands. It's a real cause of concern.
Invisible fisherman. We need to sort out this litter louting just like filthy dog poo left all over the place. (not all dog owners) they should be find £1,000. What gets me going, is people picking dog poo up in the small plastic bag, then walking away just to throw it it some bushes.
Unseen litter louts. bet there's loads of ale bottles thrown in those trees.
Considering that this whole area was once the site of blast furnaces, steel works, coke ovens and miles and miles of railway siding, it is now a beautiful place. For many years it was left as derelict land where little or nothing grew, now it’s a well used asset to the people of the area around it.
I can’t help hoping Philip, that the fisherman is inside his tent snuggling up to a bottle of something alcoholic and enjoying the fresh air, sunshine and freedom from the daily woes that beset most of us.
I must admit Dennis, that a night under canvas has always appealed to me, and how I'd like another bash at it. Another two weeks alongside five or six other middle of the road type of lads in the New Forest would be ok, nor would I rule out those more-rustic affairs on the shores of Windermere and Ullswater - the fish there seem to bite quite readily at six in the morning and six in the evening. Good luck to the lad hidden here.
Thats the trouble with these Wigan fishermen, the ones who fish from Top Lock to Martland Bridge is how much alcohol they consume while they are practicing their sport.
And you know that all the empty's will just be left on the canal bank, sometime smashed, or in the water
Fishermen more like drunks. Proper fishermen don't go on the canals or to the rabbit rocks in Ince and places like that!!!
Ha ha Dennis, Enjoying the fresh air in INCE next to the Wigan Council tip ?
There goes the Mickster goes again, why just top lock to martland Mick ? Fishermen are as capable of leaving rubbish at the Navigation, Crook or Appley Bridge as anywhere else, good and bad people everywhere, you prove that.
Ann, the tip has long gone, it’s covered with trees and grass now.
Looks like the remains of a camp fire to me.
Council tip still there, went the other day.
The landfill site or tip is no longer in use, it as been covered and grassed over. The recycling plant is still in use.
Still a tip.