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Photo-a-Day  (Thursday, 19th March, 2020)

It's been a while ;-)

It's been a while ;-)

Photo: David  (Panasonic FZ330)
Views: 2,961

Comment by: Veronica on 19th March 2020 at 08:15

It's appreciated, a photograph is better than nothing when you are limited behind closed doors.

Comment by: irene robertsI on 19th March 2020 at 08:44

I love this scene and David has caught it beautifully and I am so glad because I will not comment on future scenes. I put a comment on the photo of "empty shelves" a couple of days ago which was on the controversial subject of self-isolating. I was well aware that my view on it was different to most people's but I am entitled, as we all are, to my opinion. I was horrified last night on Facebook during a debate on the closing of schools that a member of Wigan World called me "as mad as a hatter" and actually "copied and pasted" my comment from this site onto Facebook. I have never gone into the rules and regulations of Wigan World's Photo-a-day but I wouldn't have thought this was allowed without permission of the writer. The person made no attempt to hide his identity on Facebook but I have never seen his name on the p-a-d comments so he obviously comments on here using a pseudonym. My comments may not always agree with the majority but I am entitled to my opinions and I have never, in all my years on Wigan World, been afraid to put my name where my mouth is. I use my real name at all times. I will look at p-a-d daily as the photos bring us all a lot of pleasure but I will no longer risk my comments being stolen and used against me on social media.

Comment by: Maureen on 19th March 2020 at 08:58

David that is a beautifully composed scene,and thank you very much.

Comment by: Veronica on 19th March 2020 at 09:12

At the 'risk' of this being called the 'Veronica and Irene' show I will be very disappointed that you will no longer be commenting on here Irene. You are one of the most genuine and kind people on this site. Always ready to apologise when you have no need to and you certainly needn't have done on the 'empty shelves' photo. I hope you change your mind, your comments are valued and never negative. Take care and keep safe..

Comment by: Pw on 19th March 2020 at 10:10

Irene,you put some very good and interesting comments on here and they will be missed.

Comment by: Aubrey on 19th March 2020 at 10:10

A great photo, David.
Irene well said, thanks for your contributions in the past, you will be missed.

Comment by: Broady on 19th March 2020 at 10:50

Sorry to read the above Irene. There are some nasty folk knocking about. Stay safe and look after Abram.

Comment by: Ray on 19th March 2020 at 11:15

What a lovely picture, Please give me
a clue as to its location. Cheers.

Comment by: Pat McC on 19th March 2020 at 11:27

A lovely photo, thank you again David, you can nearly smell the fresh spring air!

Irene - this is exactly the point I tried to make a few days ago - people who hide behind the fact that their comments are made anonymously and are usually critical of others, and therefore don't have to answer for their actions. Please don't be cowed by these or they'll go on to intimidate everyone to who holds a different view to theirs. This is a free country and we're the children of parents who literally fought, and many gave their lives, for the right to free speech. Carry on contributing your valid and entertaining comments - PAD is the richer for it. Best wishes.

Comment by: Mick on 19th March 2020 at 11:40

I think Davids photo is great and if it was one of mine I wouldnt be happy with the comments, photograph is better than nothing.
I also agree with the comments, why should Irene apologise when she have no need to, because Irene was only expressing her own opinion.
But having said that I can still remember a comment from Irene just before Christmas saying more or less that she was sick of my photos all the time, and she went on to say her friend had sent in some good photos but he as been ignored
Irene dont worry about what people say about you, Ive had it for years by Wigan scum bags and even by butter wouldnt melt in my ladies on other Wigan forums

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 19th March 2020 at 12:51

Irene don't leave,you are one of the stalwarts of WW's album & PAD, you have been with us for ages & we would miss you. And as for Facebook...just dont use it. It has gone way beyond what it was ever intended to do...I think it was meant to keep people in touch & together in one happy family....some hopes of that with some nasty people in this world.
As you say you are entitled to your view & others have to respect that. So come on, we want you with us !

Comment by: Philip G. on 19th March 2020 at 13:28

Truck, with friends, will shift the surly mock, Irene.
Right! that's settled, then, … tut! … your 'caps lock' is on the left.

Comment by: irene roberts on 19th March 2020 at 14:15

Thankyou everyone for your kind words and support which have reduced me to tears. I didn't mean I was "sick of seeing your photos" before Christmas, Mick, just that they seemed to be taking over p-a-d and we needed to see other contributors in between. I once objected, many years ago, when a series of Wigan Cricket Team photos were shown one after the other, filling the whole Album page day after day! I made a point of saying that the photos were of the greatest importance to this site BUT could the admin people please space them out a bit so others got a chance? If I criticise any p-a-d photos it is constructive criticism and if I can't find anything to like in a photo I would rather say nothing. I apologise to David for all the comments that have been about me rather than his beautiful scene but I am so very touched by it all. Thankyou.

Comment by: Cyril on 19th March 2020 at 14:20

Carry on posting Irene and ignore the ignorant sods whoever they are, as the old saying goes, don't let the buggers grind you down.

Comment by: DerekB on 19th March 2020 at 14:45

Nothing to do with today's photo or directly with Wigan World folks, but I have today received a phone call purporting to be from BT saying that , unless I pressed 1 immediately, due to the current situation all my broadband and mobile services would shortly be suspended. An obvious scam but beware. BT have confirmed this. There are some evil people prepared to benefit from dire situations.

Comment by: Veronica on 19th March 2020 at 15:07

Please think before you speak Mick. My comment was not to detract from David's
Photo. I said I appreciated it because for a while we may not get to see these lovely places in the 'flesh' so to speak! If I wasn't interested in the photo I would not have said anything! Stop stirring ...

Comment by: DTease on 19th March 2020 at 15:15

Don't let them win Irene, you are entitled to your opinion and, what's more, you are entitled to voice that opinion. If the day ever dawns when that's not the case then I, for one will join you at the barricade.

Comment by: Mick on 19th March 2020 at 15:54

Dearest Irene you might not of meant you was sick of seeing my photos before Christmas but with me being a sensitive type of person thats how I read it.
And the only reason why you sometimes see a few of my photos at the same time is because I dont mind getting out there and taking them.
One other reason why some people dont send them in as much is because some people who own cameras only want nice comments and pats on the head for there efforts, and if they dont get them they will go and show them to someone else.

Comment by: Ken R on 19th March 2020 at 20:12

ITBA. Just a little competition for everyone, What do the letters mean?

Comment by: irene robertsI on 19th March 2020 at 21:06

It's that bugger again? (A play on ITMA, "It's that man again").

Comment by: Emc on 19th March 2020 at 22:57

Irene,don't be bullied by this person.Love to read your comments, and love your banter with Veronica.Hope to hear from you soon.

Comment by: Brian on 19th March 2020 at 23:56

Come on Irene (to the tune of Come on Eileen), lol.

Don't give in to the trolls. Wiganworld has had many trolls over the years, believe me. Your contributions are very welcome and the genuine people here can see that you are a great person and honest contributor to the site - keep posting, no-one wants to see you go because of someone of FB spouting rubbish.

Ken R: is it "It's That Bridge Again?"

Comment by: Garry on 20th March 2020 at 08:07

Nice photo.
Irene, your bigger than that. I and many others on Wigan World and P-a-D have never met you, but your personality brightens up the day.
Have a sherry with me, cheers and hopefully we'll see you tomorrow on WW "please" xx.

Comment by: irene robertsI on 20th March 2020 at 08:44

Thankyou all so much for your support. I am isolating myself so the gentleman in question has won. It felt like one very small lady was taking the blame for the whole world rather than the thousands of people who are fighting over things in the Supermarkets this morning and breathing germs all over everyone. Anyway, I hope he's happy now. Thanks again, lovely people of Wigan World. xx

Comment by: Veronica on 20th March 2020 at 09:02

He hasn't won Irene, you have won in the end. What he did was to plagiarise your words. You have come to the realisation it's best to conform to what we are all facing. Corny I know but 'The Bridge Over Troubled Water' is calming down...

Comment by: irene roberts on 20th March 2020 at 09:32

Thanks, Veronica. There was never a doubt in my mind that it would calm down. I have never felt frightened by the virus. I am just keeping the peace. I was born under Libra, (peace), and even my name means Peace! Incidentally, my husband called in Tesco yesterday to see if there was any bread. They were just putting out a pallet of toilet rolls. As we were down to two rolls at home he asked the man if he could take a pack. The man said he could and gave him TWO packs as apparently he was allowed that. My husband said, "No, there's only two of us....one pack will be fine, thanks" and the man looked at him as if he were from another planet! What a state of affairs!

Comment by: Mick on 20th March 2020 at 10:35

Ah but Veronica do you not think that what is said on Fakebook should stay on Fakebook.
There will be people who view PAD who will be scratching there heads, wondering who this person can is, and most of them will be blaming it on the wrong person.

Comment by: Veronica on 20th March 2020 at 11:11

That's why I don't go on there Mick... One of my photos was copied without my permission from off here. ( I was told about it) It puts you off from sending photos on here.

Comment by: Poet on 20th March 2020 at 11:31

I'm afraid my faith in human nature has just about perished. I imagine next week when the hoarders are dragging their kids round the supermarket it will disappear forever. I've never felt such disgust. I'm so angry I can't sleep.

Comment by: irene roberts on 20th March 2020 at 11:31

I can promise them it isn't YOU, Mick. We don't see eye to eye on everything but I DO know it definitely isn't YOU! People DO go on both p-a-d and facebook...I do myself. I thank you for your support and for the kindness I have been shown by everyone. We hear so much about "pulling together" at the moment....I now know personally just what that means and it is overwhelming. xxx

Comment by: Mick on 20th March 2020 at 12:06

Irene I would have grabbed both packs and then handed some of them out to the older folk in my neighborhood
Im a Virgo the earth sign historically represented by the goddess of wheat and agriculture, an association that speaks to Virgo's deep-rooted presence in the material world. Virgos are logical, practical, and systematic in their approach to life.

Thats me all over.

Comment by: WN1 Standisher on 20th March 2020 at 12:16

Irene, keep reading and posting love. You were here before all this kicked off, and you'll be here when its all gone away again. Keep well you and Peter :) X

Comment by: Lynne on 23rd March 2020 at 09:52

I have a screwdriver if you want to borrow it, Mick?

Comment by: Dave Taylor on 26th March 2020 at 13:26

A good one that, Lynne! Screwdrivers are perfect for tightening up a loose screw!

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