Photo-a-Day (Wednesday, 16th October, 2019)
Rock Hotel
Why not restore it or knock it down? I always get mixed up. Is that the Big Rock or the Little Rock?
Another disappointing, depressing view of a derelict hotel/pub and way of life, gone forever. It's nothing new. There must be a queue of folk waiting in the wings with some interesting pictures surely.
No disrespect intended but cheering up is what's needed....
Depressing photo Mick !!! Must try harder.!!
Today's and yesterday's photo are really depressing in a nostalgic way for me. As a child and teenager both buildings were well within my everyday environment but not as they are now. Buzzing and vibrant then. In later years I witnessed them in slow decline as I visited elderly relatives until I no longer had need to pass by.
Awful !
I know Mick posts pic of Wigan a it is but they are mostly depressing images & there is nothing much people on WW can do about the state of areas like can we have someone elses photos by way of a change? There must be some good areas where something positive & good is going on....and Haigh Hall should be given a rest too !
Helen try looking on the bright side, just think how many couples have come out of the rock and slipped over that wall into the bushes
Broady, this Big Rock on Left Hand side of Warrington Rd going to Wigan.Little Rock was on tuther side of Warrington Rd,facing each other.
The BIG rock as it was known, the little rock is further down the road on the other side.
Horrible photo.
Well said,Helen.Ditto with canal.
This is the real Wigan not some carefully arranged pic of flowers.
Well done Mick.
There's also far more lively, lovely scenes of the real Wigan where real people live. I would hate to think this was the 'real' Wigan, depicting these horrible grot spots. Every town has them, it's a lost world now for pubs. Turn them into something useful or knock them down - they are a blight on the town.
The changing face of Wigan Borough...
no stopping the ravages of time.
I don't think it's ever been open since Chris (Doc's Symposium) Docherty left has it? It was then known as The Rock Rock Cafe, I'm told that it's a listed building so can't be demolished.
That Building in its hay-day was beautiful, don't judge as it looks today neglected and unwanted.
Mick you have the cheek to call other people's pictures then you post one like that.
This is the "REAL" Wigan.......
This is what Wigan World is all about, the good and the bad!!!!
When buildings like this are demolished and new modern ones go up people moan about losing the character around Wigan.
Have Alan and Mick ever been seen in the same room???
That's rich coming from you - after calling the photo Horrible! We see enough of the horrible - three on the trot as well as others! All I am saying is there are some lovely and lively places that are a joy to see - far more than this one... We need to see more of the good and as Mick is capable of taking good photos why not show the positive places. And as for you Alan find a comment of your own instead of stalking mine- all you do is comment on other people's comments! I am entitled to my opinion.
Ps the building itself was a beautiful building and if restored could be again.
That janette wench is silly.
Come on get off the fence.
Talk about nasty - words fail..
The lower metre and a half of this building looks decidedly grotty, and could well prove to be problematic, no argument there, but the rest of the building appears to be salvageable.
Those ornate ridge tiles alone are worth around 20 quid apiece in my estimation.
The terra cotta and stonework on the front ? Well , just conjure up a telephone number....Irreplaceable quite possibly ... Sad to say, it's all about investment and return....
but let's see.....I've got fifty quid to spare....what say we all chip in eh?, or are we seriously all that bothered about restoring and maintaining Wigan's historic buildings?
Answers on a postcard.
If anyone needs to get off the fence it's you Alan !But then again,let's not let the P-a D get like the General thread on Communicate.
This is a real world picture and tells a very sad story, like it or not there's no point in trying to ignore it. It certainly makes a change from a dozen pictures of the certain canal bridge posted on here. Well done Mickle
Well it begs the question.....are Wiganners proud of their it is warts an all ?
Exactly Jannette x.
It would be interesting to know the exact date this was built, I know that it was a coaching inn because there was stabling at the rear, but this was demolished when a beer garden patio and children's area was installed.
I start doing some work on this old pub about 15 years ago, we had it all sandblasted and washed, started replacing some of the upper windows, cleaned all the rubbish out of it and got rid of the pigeons, painted the top, repaired the roof and gutters, it was going to be there new offices, it was own by the factory at the rear, Foodpro manufacturing Ltd, 8 years ago it was bought by freshers foods now