Photo-a-Day (Wednesday, 4th September, 2019)
My Dad was a avid Latics supporter all his long life.. I am certain, if he was alive, the first words out of his mouth, on seeing that mascot, would be .... 'Is there a need ' ... and as Mrs Slocomb would say, ' I am unanimous in that...
Must be rather like being in the Stocks with a chance of getting your kecks whipped down. Brave chap.
Sure you mean pilloried, Poet. No chance of having your kecks removed in the stocks. Very funny scenario of this chap trying to pull them back up though.
For my pennyworth, I think its a silly gimmick....does everyone who goes to football eat pies ??
I think them legs are female
It's a cute gimmick and the way things are going in football, however when I go to a football match, I go to watch the football, not the gimmicks.
I've seen all of the varied Latics colours on the 'Historical Football Kits' site, and blue & white will always strike me as being the best combo - The 1957-58 strip in particular.
Mick, I think you're right. Only a woman would wear shoes like that.
You correct Mick, pie filling is female, hot too with foamy pie shell, it made in China also.
I like him. At least he's cheerful. I love pies and our Jamie's first word was "pie"!
See Broady's comments about this daft gimmick on Communicate,I couldn't agree more.
You beat me to it Mick. It could be a chapess.