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Photo-a-Day  (Tuesday, 13th August, 2019)

Left no tip

Left no tip
The old road to what was once Standish rubbish dump.
Only the speed sign remains.

Photo: Poet  (Lenovo 2)
Views: 2,591

Comment by: Veronica on 13th August 2019 at 00:14

Quite a nice picture - reminds me of 'The Wizard Of Oz' no less .....all we need is a witch on a bike and Toto in the basket! ;@)

Comment by: Mick on 13th August 2019 at 06:53

There tipping again further down the road at the back of Lils cafe

Comment by: Philip G. on 13th August 2019 at 09:20

A mighty fine spread, Poet.

Comment by: XPat on 13th August 2019 at 11:10

Thanks Poet. Like this one a lot.
Reminds me when I got off school as a child (you know, sick in the morning, fine an hour later. That's my story anyway) and went to the fields near my home. No one was about, lovely sense of freedom watching the skylarks trying to divert you from the nest.

Comment by: Maureen on 13th August 2019 at 11:30

A lovely country lane for meandering down on a beautiful Summers day...I love it..thank you poet.

Comment by: Mick on 13th August 2019 at 11:41

XPat in them days you could usually catch a young couple up to no good in the long grass, you dont see that now.

Comment by: XPat on 13th August 2019 at 15:33

Hi Mick , at that age, not quite sure what I would have made of that if I came across a couple in a delicate position. I’m sure though I would have paused to try and work it out .
In my day , the birds and the bees were just that . Also we were never indoors long enough to listen . Now parents are scared of letting their kids out of their sight . We went on adventures in fields and countryside like this . Now , the young people find their adventure and excitement in a hand held mobile phone , that’s why they hold onto them for dear life .. Where has real play gone I wonder ?
Sorry , Poet , but your wonderful picture triggered memories. Now it seems like a different world out there .

Comment by: Poet on 13th August 2019 at 18:27

We definitely see eye to eye here XPat,for your post conveys precisely how I feel about this place.
This land has regenerated itself most miraculously and the signs of sand extraction and landfill virtually gone.
That said , it was a tremendous adventure for we kids to mess about in the sand workings or hunt for 'treasure' on the tip.
Walking here now is like returning to an old battlefield... peaceful and calm again , quiet and lonely where indeed the larks abound.
Shortly after taking this ,I flushed out a couple of Snipe as I crossed the field.
And I remembered..
The Wagons rumbling here,
A Stately sway at 10 miles an hour!
Wheels turning slow in plumes of dust,
Toppling the town's detritus into the sandy earth.
And amid a shroud of screeching gulls,
An iceberg of fridges and cookers rose,
Valued and prized possessions once,
Bought with sweat and overtime pay,
Now paralyzed and sunk beneath my feet,
Like the frozen relics of Pompeii.
As o're their wake my way I wend,
To flush the snipe as the larks ascend.

Glad you like the photo and my thanks for the kind comments.

Comment by: . Ozymandias . on 13th August 2019 at 18:34

In one of my French text books at school , I think it was titled En Route , there was a character called Toto . He was a young kid , and his sister I believe was called Babette , or summat daft like that .
Nothing whatsoever to do with Poet 's excellent photograph of course , just thought I'd chuck it in there .
Oh! , I've just remembered , his surname was L'épine .... Oh Lordy ! , what a name to go to bed with eh? ......Toto blimmin' L'épine .

Comment by: Philip G. on 13th August 2019 at 21:38

An equally mighty fine spread is your verse, Poet.

Comment by: Veronica on 14th August 2019 at 14:05

( Babs short for Barbara )we have a Babs Moran in our art group - I don't think she would mind me mentioning - it always reminds me of a gangster's moll ! We do have a laugh about it now and then!

Comment by: Poet on 15th August 2019 at 20:49

Thanks Philip. My I ask for a stanza or two ?

Comment by: Philip G. on 18th August 2019 at 10:20

Aye, shipmate, . . . Here goes - Strictly comprimario, you understand:
I've made a note of Poet's pic' -
In time I'll lay it down
On paper made at 'Cuthbert's Mill,
And hold with gumstrip brown.

His clever use of endless lane,
Will hold my gaze, within,
And so indeed will flowers there -
I'll add some 'gloves, and whin.

Comment by: Poet on 18th August 2019 at 10:51

A gentlemanly reply Sir. Like having Botham at the other end.

Comment by: Veronica on 21st August 2019 at 11:54

Philip if you do 'lay it on Cuthbert's Mill' don't forget to use some artistic licence and add a poppy or two or three or more! Remembering 'less is more'!

Comment by: Philip G. on 22nd August 2019 at 19:23

Thanks for your interest veronica. There's a very good chance that I'll do it.

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