Photo-a-Day (Sunday, 28th April, 2019)
Going around the bend
I can see one of the new tree floodlights on the left, one of the Haigh hall maintenance men told me a lot had got smashed because of lads pretending they were taking a goal kicks
Now, THAT is a lovely Spring photo.
Well done, Ron.
I remember on the final approach to the hall, there was a really old tree that was as wide as it was tall. It must have been 200 years old in the fifties. I've often wondered when that was chopped down. It truly was amazing - does anyone else remember it?
Nice photo Ron, I havnt't had the pleasure of walking down that road yet. Must do so soon. Tony G, if you see this, can you give me a ring, we're worried about you.
Great photo! Veronica, I do remember lots of magnificent old trees, the driveway a veritable arboretum. I recall the weeping willows and other squat shaped ancient specimens. The vast majority now long gone, but wonderful memories. I've tried to track down old photos of the frontage, but have not yet found any that show the old trees.
Those trees seemed to be dotted about on the grassy area. It would be awful to think they were chopped down if they weren't diseased Axford.
Sorry Axcroft - can't blame the iPad for that!
Lovely photo. Such happy memories of Haigh Hall, both from my childhood and more recent times; I know other people viewing this share my happy memories.
Good one Ron. Yes Veronica I remember that big tree. At that time we (teenagers) used to have a group fling, three or four lads and the same girls, at that time my partner would have been EM. Lying in the shade of that tree.
Big tree was only big because you were all little