Photo-a-Day (Wednesday, 20th March, 2019)

Photo: David Long (Sony SLT-A65V)
Anybody who doesn't know will be wondering why they are turning a nice place like the Beeches into a shed for Albert
Man must have his shed after all!
Man-cave is the new buzz word, Veronica!
Us women need our shed's too. I got one for my 50th birthday .... it's brilliant.
I believe so Johnnie and Bradshaw's girl I inherited one. Been in this morning to get at the lawn mower - it's more like a pig sty at the moment- must get round to tidying it up....not a job I like..
I must say I can't think of anything more miserable than messing about in the shed. My brother and his wife have a shed each! They are OK for chucking plant pots and stuff in!
Love mine. Not a shed, its the full length of the house and the more room there is the more stuff gets put in. It's a wonder I can lay my hands on things but I can.
The girl next door had left her house
Then went through yonder door.
Its opening, airs a 'cavalcade'
Of travelled things, and more.
Its window's wide . . . say two by three?
And decked the day t'was bought,
With Eastern fabric nicely splayed - Those Shantung curtains bought.
Her four-inch pots; old Bispham-made,
She cadged as girl when jobbin',
And still she checks them every day
To please her friend the robin.
So muse on her, that child of dreams,
- not always want of Rome -
Then let us play our chosen tunes
Within prized 'cedared domes.'
Bravo, Philip G! xx
Keep-well, Irene.