Photo-a-Day (Monday, 27th August, 2018)
Chopped Hedges
Good photo however "chopped" is not a word I would have used. More like massacred. They probably were destroyed in a recent wind storm.
Shorn of summer fleece the hedge stands naked.
The fledgling from the forlorn nest is fled.
And through the khaki leaves
The waiting stranger__ Autumn peeps.
The briars have been ransacked!
(Though some of the purple ampules couldn't be reached)
Only wrens, tunneling the sawtooth tangle
Tap the last nuclear clusters
Of sweet, inky wet blackberries.
This looks like Higher Lane,I walk here regularly.
Derek ,they were massacred by a huge hedge cutter
Nicely Poet, and very brave of you to have included brackets. One of your best poems.
Cheap way of cutting back a hedge. I believe the machines dont have cutters but flails that just rip the vegetation. What an awful way of doing things.
They only look massacred for a bit then new shoots will grow out of all the ends, making a thicker hedge.
Even though they were massacred by a very blunt hedge cutter I bet the cuttings and large thorns were not swept up.
Excellent shot by Mick , beautifully enhanced by Poet .
Once upon a time, a skilled man (or woman) with a billhook would have 'laid' the hedge, reducing the height as required, but maintaining or improving the density. I know which I would prefer in terms of appearance!
Those hacked branches are now open to disease. Whether or not it's a hedge or a garden shrub - especially when winter comes.
I would cut their hair like that
Then I’d drop them in the mud ,
Ask the Lord if I could
Put on their heads a fresh dropped cow pat as a gel
Ena, a stretch of edge ar the top of Ivy Brow, Aspull was 'Laid' a few years ago. You would need a Tank to get through it now.
Just imagine the prospect of clearing this little lot on horseback, at 30mph - Tally-ho! indeed.
Nature’s ability to repair the damage that we humans do to it is amazing. This hedge looks a right mess, but give nature the time to run it’s healing hand over it and it will be as good as new in a relatively short time.
The problem is that we are now doing damage to the planet at a much faster rate, and nature is struggling to keep up.
It’s now 32 years since the Chernobyl disaster and yet, despite valiant efforts by nature a huge area around the Reactor is still unfit for human habitation and will be for many generations to come.
We are here but a fleeting moment in time, have we any right to burden future generations with such damage to the plant?
We should all remember that nature always has the last laugh and the planet WILL repair and re-new itself whether humans still live on it .... or not.
The Gaia principle I believe DTease.
There might be no humans left- but the cockroach will always survive....
And Politicians and Traffic Wardens Veronica. Don’t forget them.
And Wigan Town Planning Dept.