Photo-a-Day (Saturday, 25th August, 2018)
Rose Bridge
The wooden tower of Ince
Good pic,a change from views of canal nearer to Chapel Lane area.Not sure what the building is where the old Empress Miller used to be?
Do cyclists ' cock off' still?
The woman by the barge is looking at her watch and thinking "I'm sure there used to be a big clock somewhere round here"
Thanks Ron. And your Photo reminds me of the need to 'go down to the sea, again', and also the Ceilidh song The Bridge Below the Town.
Never heard the expression, "cock on" or "cock off" a bike since my childhood. Poet! Really took me back.
Irene its the only way to mount one at speed.
Well we had ' The Hanging Gardens of Babylon' on the 12 th August so this must be the 'Tower of Babel' today!
Poet , I tried (suggested ) to explain this term to some people in London . They looked at me as if I was totally off my trolley! I tried to explain that this was a very common and well used Northern term used when mounting and dismounting your bike . My explanation didn’t work , and after which , to my alarm , the women present always gave me a wide birth .
A word of advice . Northern an Southerners are a totally different species
I haven't heard that expression since my childhood either. I remember when my dad used to give me a lift home on the handlebars of his bike!! H & S would have a fit nowadays.
Never heard it and don't particularly want to.
Perhaps it's time for we Northerners to erect our own signs like the Welsh do.
I would love to see what Londoners make of 'Kwarp' above the door of the Co-op.
Sorry, that should have read Empress Miil, not Miller !
I remember being taken on the crossbar of bikes and later when dad thought I was old enough to sit astride his motorbikes tank but not old enough to ride pillion.Brendell is quite right H&S would be in fits.
Yes Poet, that would be a great idea!
The Kwarp, Madam, is just around the corner … next door to Thoff Licence, and opposite Thardware Shop.
Getting the difference between cocking off and cocking on was especially important when riding a fixed wheel bike.
This sign says I've got to cock off, but if I cock off and I meet the vicar's wife I'll have to tip my hat which means that I will have to....
Cock on, doff and cock off.
Of course, all this will effect my bad chest which means that I will have to....
Cock on, doff, cough and cock off.
All that coughing will put me in need of a pint so I will have to....
Cock on, doff, cough, quaff and cock off!
Maybe I'll just walk instead.
Brick, Mick...not wood. Or it was last time I saw it.