Photo-a-Day (Wednesday, 1st August, 2018)
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Does your wall look like this one?
Has your wall never been painted for years?
Then you are a mucky Herbert and you need to phone
Painter to the nobility
(Special rates for pensioners).
Looks more like rendering that is deteriorating to me, rather than dilapidated paint.
do you want YOUR grot spot photographing?
Contact Byrne the Bike for prompt attention.
There is a painter who won't break the Bank,
He's got his own ladders and a plank;
He'll do the job in the dead of night,
Folk will wake to a joyless sight;
He'll most likely spray on't wall a 'Prison Door' -
To match the bars on the windows though!!!
Veronica, Tha't gerrin very poetic, lass! x.
Its like measles Irene - its catching! (More 'dittyish' than poetic!) It does look grim though - it's a shame when buildings are neglected. It could all be spruced up I'm sure.
Hard to believe now but that was the place we bought our boat from in the early seventies.
Anne I wonder if that's where Ozy got the boat from to sail to the Antipodes! It's still missing.....