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Photo-a-Day  (Thursday, 19th April, 2018)

Cobbled path

Cobbled path

Photo: Mick Byrne  (Panasonic TZ100)
Views: 3,067

Comment by: Scholes Malc on 19th April 2018 at 06:47

And to the right is Great Acre park – remember fondly the grass and hard tennis courts, which later became one of our many football pitches, and the big slide in the play area - happy days

Comment by: Mick on 19th April 2018 at 06:54

Scholes volunteer gardening club should preserve these cobbles by clearing all that muck on the left hand side

Comment by: Helen of Troy on 19th April 2018 at 08:09

Nice cobbled path. Shame about the litter, is nobody bothered ?

Comment by: Johnny on 19th April 2018 at 08:37

Feel free Mick!

Comment by: kath on 19th April 2018 at 08:47

a nice bit of history of old Wigan. Cobbles wear better than out tarmac roads don't they?

Comment by: John D on 19th April 2018 at 08:50

The path actually has a name. It is the former Bank Terrace. Drivers (myself included) would sometimes use it as a shortcut if Greenough Street was heavy with traffic. You turned left into Sullivan Way, then up the cobbles, into Coop Street and then Scholes. Then one day I was foiled, two bollards appeared and I had to backtrack to Greenough Street. Nobody of course would then let me out.

Comment by: Veronica on 19th April 2018 at 09:19

Its not how I remember that area with it's terraced housing and cobbled streets. We used to go to the bowling green that way many moons ago.

Comment by: irene roberts on 19th April 2018 at 09:41

I love cobbled streets. The streets where I played as a child in Ince were cobbled, (some still are, I think), and we used to deliberately ride our home-made trolleys over the cobbles!

Comment by: Philip Gormley. on 19th April 2018 at 11:08

Create a banking from the soil at hand, drench it with weed killer, and then lay it ram-jam full of aubretia at the end of October.
Complimentary dashes of yellow and white would also please, next Spring.

Comment by: Barrie on 19th April 2018 at 11:34

Ladies & Gentlemen of this Parish, may I correct you all on the title of this photograph, it is a path of stone , maybe granite setts and not cobbles.
Cobbles by definition are "rounded stones used for paving" (try walking on them in high heels folks) whereas setts are normally granite or hard stone and dressed either as rectangular or square shape. Being a ex civil engineer, this was taught in college at Wigan Tech. in the early 60's.Tour de France commentators always talk about part of the course being cobbles when they are setts.Still uncomfortable for cyclists.

Comment by: Philip Gormley. on 19th April 2018 at 14:16

Setts and Cobbles ... Shoes or Wobbles? deem kind the learned say
But muse the joys of pleasure past, gloat Irene's "Chocks away."


Comment by: Veronica on 19th April 2018 at 15:31

They will always be 'cobbles' to me whether right or wrong! On days like this we would pick the melted tar from between them to make tar babies and in the process covering our clothes and hands with it..... We never caught diseases from it either... But today they would I'm sure!!! 'elf and safety would make a law against picking tar!

Comment by: Irene Roberts on 19th April 2018 at 15:40

Very poetic, young Phil! I know what Barrie means. I have walked on rounded cobbles at Haworth 1940s events in heels and it isn’t good!

Comment by: From Where on 19th April 2018 at 17:00

Muse the joys of pleasures past ?

for they are gone and did not last, progress name already cast , in the name of moving forward .
The hands of change we beg to weep, the shops and smells we longed to keep
Buildings old, now are new , the cobble stones are tarmac to.
I still look back to where I grew , there’s nothing left just perhaps a few .
The pits have gone the cotton too, yes my school the ones I knew .
The trodden stones of memories past have been replaced with shadows cast, of people born we won’t forget , , that a promise not a bet ..
So though I walk in a world that’s new , I still was shaped in the world I grew . , this my journey, the skin I shed, began in Wigan , born and bred...

Comment by: Angela on 19th April 2018 at 17:29

Scholes Brew as it was, and still is known.

Comment by: Harry C. on 19th April 2018 at 17:43

When I was kid I think this was known as Primrose Hill and there was a Primrose Cottage to the right on the photo.

Comment by: Mick on 19th April 2018 at 18:17

I watched to tour of Yorkshire bike race coming up the cobbles in Haworth and you could see the men racers didnt look happy about riding on cobbles but the women all had bid smiles on there faces

Comment by: Ron D on 19th April 2018 at 19:59

About 1955-56,I took a pic from this spot showing cottages a lit gas lamp in the snow.It is on this sight somewhere. Longshoot brow I know it well.

Comment by: irene roberts on 19th April 2018 at 20:34

From Where.....I LOVE that poem and am going to copy it out and am going to try to locate Ron D's 1955-56 photo; if anyone finds it on the WW Site please add on here how to locate it. Thanks.

Comment by: Philip Gormley. on 19th April 2018 at 20:50

Irene: Item 1752 could be the photo that you're after.

Comment by: . Ozymandias . on 19th April 2018 at 20:57

I think you'll find it's item #: 1752 Irene. It's on the first page of Places, Scholes. It's a good photo an' all. It would make a good Christmas card.

Regards. Ozy.

Comment by: . Ozymandias . on 19th April 2018 at 22:12

I called round at yours yesterday actually Philip, but your neighbour told me you were off skiing in Klosters. Blimey, how the other half live eh?

Comment by: Veronica on 20th April 2018 at 06:50

I agree Ron's old picture of Longshoot is lovely similar to a scene in one of those old American films of the fifties. I hardly recognised it though and what I recall was the wall at the bottom end which us lot climbed a few times. I also looked at the other old photos of Longshoot which did take me back!

Comment by: Philip Gormley. on 20th April 2018 at 08:58

Look forward to seeing you again, in the not too distant future, Ozy.
The Endothermic is going on its own pellets right now, while The Raptor swells on the young and the not so young.

Comment by: irene roberts on 20th April 2018 at 09:00

Thanks, everyone. It's lovely. Wish I could time-travel back. Not to stay, just to stand there for a moment.

Comment by: Veronica on 20th April 2018 at 12:43

Irene I would opt for a day every month and be the age I was,for the energy to climb over walls and meet with the pals of my childhood!
Then run home for my tea and get in trouble for ripping clothes and being as black as the ace of spades! I bet you would too!

Comment by: irene roberts on 20th April 2018 at 17:44

Yes I would, Veronica; we would have been great allies! And to think I was nervous of meeting you as I thought you were posh!

Comment by: Veronica on 20th April 2018 at 19:03

Scholes born and bred Irene - you couldn't be further from the truth! My oh my!

Comment by: . Ozymandias . on 20th April 2018 at 19:39

She is posh Irene, how many people do you know that take the trouble to iron the living room carpet?, If that's not posh, then I don't know what is.

Comment by: Veronica on 20th April 2018 at 21:03

Thats another tale Irene - I dropped the iron on my new carpet and it melted - the mark is still there - I can't iron without watching the telly!

Comment by: irene roberts on 20th April 2018 at 21:04

She's lovely, Ozy! And fancy you knowing Wigan World's Philip Gormley! I had no idea.....small world. (I don't know him personally, but we all have such a lot of fun on Wigan World.....please let on I am better-looking than I really am!). x.

Comment by: Philip Gormley. on 20th April 2018 at 22:23

The last time I met Ozy, Irene, he gave me a couple of books, made more appreciative by his mini description of each books range - he didn't simply 'hand them over.'
Well turned-out, walks proper, receptive, a bit of steel, cheeks with bloom ... I reckon I've got you 'sussed'.

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