Photo-a-Day (Monday, 12th February, 2018)
Water Street Car Park
How interesting!!! A photo of a car park.Really makes me miss Wigan. I think not.
Can't imagine what transpired you on this one Mick?
Well that looks more like a red brick Wigan building, reminds me of a mill building. Pity planners cant transfer the style of architecture to other buildings....other than a car park.
It has some resemblence to the older building next door. Good photo Mick.
I agree with least it's a warm-coloured brick, unlike that awful grey concrete-looking building up Millgate where we used to pay our council-tax, and it has a semblance of character in the shape of its windows, unlike the Life Building or whatever it's called down Library Street which looks as if it's been made from Lego.
Ir blends in with the church.
Ken R it was because it was there.
Broady you should have tuned in yesterday.
The Carpark building is a palace compared to the concrete monstrosities! Pity they can't be bulldozed! Just shows what can be done.
Wow! That church must have a massive congregation to warrant such a large car park.Seriously though I can remember the old Water street in the forties, what a change.
It's a sign of the times when care for the car is deemed to be more important than care for the soul.
The interior of that car park is disgusting. Almost as bad as the terrible state of Wigan's roads,
Helen, Irene and Veronica are right. The outside , at least (never been inside it) does look so much better than the grey, soulless buildings we see most of the time.
twinned with strangways