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Photo-a-Day  (Thursday, 16th November, 2017)

Mr Wangs

Mr Wangs
Frog Lane

Photo: Mick Byrne  (Panasonic TZ100)
Views: 3,169

Comment by: Derek Platt on 16th November 2017 at 04:26

Was this the Bird I,th Hand pub back in the day

Comment by: Bam bam on 16th November 2017 at 07:53

I remember the old colliers arms well it was a good boozer when Les & margaret bannister run it good live singers and trips to wembeley really miss that era.

Comment by: jack on 16th November 2017 at 07:57

I think it was the Colliers.

Comment by: Bam bam on 16th November 2017 at 08:02

Derek bird ith hand is on gidlow lane just a few mins walk from this pub, after colliers closed it became sams bar but it did not do as well as colliers and just lost all the old locals and sadly faded away.

Comment by: Gary Leece on 16th November 2017 at 08:51

You may be right Derek - ransacking my brains for the original name.
The old workhouse type hospital was on Frog Lane in past years. The number of times I heard the phrase "No mother uh mine is gooin i' Frog Loan" in the early sixties.
Many people seemed to think of it as a death sentence.

Comment by: Caroline on 16th November 2017 at 09:14

No, it was the Colliers Arms.

Comment by: Pete rammy on 16th November 2017 at 09:18

I think it was the Colliers arms

Comment by: Benny on 16th November 2017 at 09:23

No Derek it was the Colliers Arms

Comment by: Gary Leece on 16th November 2017 at 10:50

Yes - Colliers Arms. I used to walk that route to Gidlow Lane in 1968/69 and pass the Bird 'ith Hand further on. Used to work Saturdays at Hughes Bros. Cheese Factors on Gidlow Lane.

Comment by: Brian b on 16th November 2017 at 13:24

This was the Colliers Arms Pub, lost count of the number of times we had to get my Dad back in time for the "Fishing Club" meetings!! The Bird ith'Hand, or known to locals as "Then ole" was further up Gidlow Lane between the co-op and Park Road.

Comment by: alan winstanley on 16th November 2017 at 16:49

This pub was originally named the COLLIERS, when i left school in 1962 i started work a few hundred yards along frog lane at J.MORRIS & SONS FAMILY BUTCHERS, I went on one of their mobile shops and believe it or not we served meat to that pub ,the landlady's name was POLY she was a real good owd fashioned pub landlady. WE also served meat to THE PEAR TREE PUB just 50 yards up towards Wigan the man who i was with was JOHN BENNET ,it got awkward at times for he was on the dart's team ( Colliers) it got tricky when he played against PEAR TREE BUT HAPPY DAYS THIS PICTURE HAS RE-KINDLED many,many fond memories also very sad to see the demise of them both .

Comment by: Derek Platt on 16th November 2017 at 16:56

Thanks for reminding me that the pub was the colliers. Also Mr. Reece did some of the Hughes family live on Dawson Avenue, if so I was a neighbour for some time.

Comment by: Gary Leece on 16th November 2017 at 22:13

Derek - Harry Hughes ran the business, in my time, with his nephew Brian. He was a Methodist lay preacher. Cheese was delivered all over the area and there was a little grocery shop in the front.
Dawson Avenue does sound familiar, though I was only at his home once.

Comment by: Poet on 16th November 2017 at 23:23

Chinese Jacbit for £12 quid a week sounds a decent enough offer.

Comment by: alan winstanley on 17th November 2017 at 12:38

Brian B, your not related to John Bennet are you ?he lived in Field ST. Down by side of Walmsley's.

Comment by: Brian B on 20th November 2017 at 15:49

No Alan, not related to John Bennet but there was an Alan Bennet in my class at the Bluecoat school,he lived in field street.

Comment by: alan winstanley on 21st November 2017 at 15:29

Hello Brian B, the John had a son ALAN . Also he went to the same school as yourself and lived in Field ST it all fits Brian ,I don't suppose you know the where-about's of him i would dearly love to rekindle our friendship again.

Comment by: Brian B on 21st November 2017 at 16:03

Sorry Alan, lost contact years ago.
You never know someone else on the forum may respond, best of luck.

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