Photo-a-Day (Tuesday, 26th July, 2016)
New build
Looking lovely
How times have changed! Living near canals seem to be much sought after areas nowadays.
Very nice picture.
Too many houses being built these days for my liking, especially in lovely places like this, and who can afford them? nobody I know only well off people. More jerry built Wimpy style homes with barely enough room to swing a cat in, all on huge estates with houses and flats that all look the same and with zero character and individuality.
AB there are three houses on the photo and they are all different styles.
This is a belting location except for there being no local shops
On the other hand Ab, a nice little development.
Don't like the metal fence above the wooden one ,looks a bit like colditz ,spoils the view of the canal.
Built on the site of the old "Bone Works". Just slightly preferable, no smells.