Photo-a-Day (Friday, 8th April, 2016)
Big Rugby Ball
Isn't that against the rules...two balls on the pitch!
Who do you tackle?
Mind you, they look like giant spuds or Easter eggs to me!
And who are the players? Billy Boston and Jim Sullivan?
Another great photo, thanks Mick :o)
Rugby Football - Joanne Risley - Tesco Extra, Central Park, Wigan (2001)
Good photo Mick. It is good to be reminded of historic memories.
The game with the funny ball.I'll stick to the round ball, football.
great picture Mick
Tucked away in a corner and nearly forgot about. Should have been in a more prominent place.
should never have left - I blame Jack Robinson!
I'm not usually a big fan of modern sculpture but I do like this, it should indeed be in a more prominent position.
PeterP, I don't think big rugby ball is tucked away, it is on a main walkway on the Tesco site, cars and hundreds of people pass it every day. As regards 'there shouldn't be two balls on the pitch', the lads with the balls are just coming out of the tunnel!
What tunnel's this....the Mersey Tunnel :O)
And those lads without their balls would be singin in a castralto choir:O)
Scholes Malc
spot on
the other John'says some stupid things
Information from Wigan Public Art Trail:
Central Park is the former home of Wigan Rugby League. To celebrate the impact that the team has had on the world of sport Tesco commissioned this cast bronze Rugby Football featuring famous players associated with the club; Billy Boston, Tommy Bradshaw, Joe Egan, Jimmy Sullivan. Care should be taken as this sculpture is sited on the edge of the roundabout.