Photo-a-Day (Sunday, 25th October, 2015)
From Higher Lane

Photo: Ron Dawber (Pentax K100D)
Fiddler's Ferry is situated at Penketh, but there is some question over the origin of its name. One view is that it was a personal name of a former licensee of the 'Ferry Inn', known as 'Fidler'. Another idea is that the ferryman was accompanied by a fiddler when he crossed the river. However, the most likely story is it comes from the manor's original grantee, Adam le Vieleur, which meant 'Adam, player of the fiddle'.
I bet you didnt know that did you
i didnt know that Mick , a very good pic , how far would you say as the crow flies from that gate to fiddlers ferry .
Mick your a fountain of knowledge.question for you what do you think is going on on the left hand side middle of this picture?
Looks like they have been short measured on that gate because its only a 4 bar.
Joe, Maybe horse boxes or gippos, you choose ha ha
Mick, the info about Adam de Vieleur from is likely to be incorrect or at least imprecise. This seems more likely (from: )
"Eight hundred years ago, the Lord of the Manor of Penketh sought to avoid long cold horseback journeys by establishing a ferry to take travellers across to the Manor of Moore on the south bank. The landowner's name Adam le Vieleur - was anglicised to 'violer' and then to 'fiddler', providing the name 'Fiddler's Ferry' "
Fiddlers Ferry power station is in Cuerdley, a place between Warrington and Widnes.