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Photo-a-Day  (Sunday, 25th October, 2015)

From Higher Lane

From Higher Lane
From Higher lane, New Springs. In background, Fiddlers Ferry, Frodsham.

Photo: Ron Dawber  (Pentax K100D)
Views: 3,480

Comment by: Mick on 25th October 2015 at 07:27

Fiddler's Ferry is situated at Penketh, but there is some question over the origin of its name. One view is that it was a personal name of a former licensee of the 'Ferry Inn', known as 'Fidler'. Another idea is that the ferryman was accompanied by a fiddler when he crossed the river. However, the most likely story is it comes from the manor's original grantee, Adam le Vieleur, which meant 'Adam, player of the fiddle'.

I bet you didnt know that did you

Comment by: antar on 25th October 2015 at 10:32

i didnt know that Mick , a very good pic , how far would you say as the crow flies from that gate to fiddlers ferry .

Comment by: joe graney on 25th October 2015 at 12:35

Mick your a fountain of knowledge.question for you what do you think is going on on the left hand side middle of this picture?

Comment by: Mick on 25th October 2015 at 13:23

Looks like they have been short measured on that gate because its only a 4 bar.

Comment by: Derek Callaghan on 25th October 2015 at 14:03

Joe, Maybe horse boxes or gippos, you choose ha ha

Comment by: Neil Rigby on 25th October 2015 at 16:14

Mick, the info about Adam de Vieleur from http://www.warrington.gov.uk/info/200798/local_history_and_heritage/56/history_of_warringtons_villages_and_parishes/9 is likely to be incorrect or at least imprecise. This seems more likely (from: https://www.sgt.org/SGTNews/1992/SGTN92_07-08.pdf )
"Eight hundred years ago, the Lord of the Manor of Penketh sought to avoid long cold horseback journeys by establishing a ferry to take travellers across to the Manor of Moore on the south bank. The landowner's name Adam le Vieleur - was anglicised to 'violer' and then to 'fiddler', providing the name 'Fiddler's Ferry' "

Comment by: Garry on 25th October 2015 at 19:41

Fiddlers Ferry power station is in Cuerdley, a place between Warrington and Widnes.

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