Photo-a-Day (Thursday, 22nd October, 2015)

Photo: Dave (Oy) (Nikon D800 with Nikon 16-35mm F/4 AF-S G VR)
Dave great picture that could be mid summer.
It can't be mid summer joe, look at the leaves on the trees..but know what you mean.
Yes great photo Dave, it's the same boat as yesterday.
The ripples draw you into the photo.Very good David
That is very good.
Another cracker. Thanks Oy. :)
Theres been to much time spent making those ripples stick out that you now cant read the name of the boat
Just imagine a big open box of fancy chocolates that you cant see properly because of the wrapping paper.
And your point being Mick ?
The name is plastered all over the side of the boat. Just a suggestion Dave, next time tip a 45 gallon drum of old engine oil in the canal just before you take the pic that will flatten those nasty ripples out once and for all.
To me that is a terrific photo which nature has provided..........unless you photo shopped it :).
Remember Mick .."Life is like a box o chocolates".
Mick, the boat's name is Goosemoor.
Thanks folks.
This was taken about 20 seconds after the shot posted yesterday. No phototrickery - it is what it was :)