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Photo-a-Day Archive

Photo-a-Day  (Sunday, 18th October, 2015)


Farm on Sennicar Lane as the sun begins to set.

Photo: David  (Canon PowerShot SX200 IS)
Views: 3,149

Comment by: Aubrey on 18th October 2015 at 09:47

' 40 Shades of Green ' sung by Johnny Cash springs to mind. Nice photo.

Comment by: Mick on 18th October 2015 at 12:00

Aubrey there was something on the telly last week about Johnny Cash and 40 shades of green song, they did some scientific checks and they came up with more like 40 thousands different shades of green

Comment by: Aubrey on 18th October 2015 at 12:43

I saw it Mick, nevertheless the photo does suggest many shades of green.

Comment by: Ken R on 18th October 2015 at 17:27

A quiet earthy scene, good one David.

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