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Photo-a-Day Archive

Photo-a-Day  (Tuesday, 13th October, 2015)

Vulcan Bomber

Vulcan Bomber
This was taken flying over Aspull on Saturday afternoon the 10th Oct. Its the bombers first leg of its farewell tour flight around Britain, before sadly being taken out of service.

Photo: David Barker  (Nikon D3000 Tamron 70-300mm lens 1/1250s f/5.6 iso400)
Views: 3,869

Comment by: Ken R on 13th October 2015 at 04:35

Nice photo David, unfortunately it reminds me of a Vulcan in the annual airshow, it could not pull out of a tight maneuver and crashed into lake Ontario, no survivors.

Comment by: joe graney on 13th October 2015 at 05:46

another great picture David ,

Comment by: Mick on 13th October 2015 at 07:22

This photo was taken on the 10 Oct and its made it onto Photo a Day 3 days later.
I know I brought this up before when Oy put on a photo that he said he had taken only a couple of days before, and was told by the admin when O complained that Oy more or less had the key to the front door of the Photo of the Day section and could jump the queue if he wanted to.
Well I for one dont think that is a fair way to do things, I sent in 2 photos on Sept 23 and another 6 on Oct 3 and non of them have made onto the Photo of the Day as yet
I know of some more old Wigan world members who have had the same thing done with there photos and they are also not happy when they have gone out of there way to take an interesting photo that will give Wiganers all over the world a bit of pleasure.

BTW nice photo Dave mate

Comment by: John Morris on 13th October 2015 at 10:07

Good photo David. Mick I think the decision of when to put photos on P-a-D depends on how topical they are. If time lessens or negates their interest they may jump the queue. I have had pictures put on quite quickly while others have taken a long time. I have no problem with that or with any of the other contributors to this site. I think Brian does a great job and should be given credit for this.

Comment by: Anne on 13th October 2015 at 10:36

When pictures are sent in to PAD there should not be an automatic expectation that they should be published. It may be possible some have never been published. The ones that are, are usually to the credit of the photographer.
As todays piccy.

Comment by: Gerald Pilkington (Canada) on 13th October 2015 at 12:38

ken r it was a nimrod that crashed in lake Ontario

Comment by: Jonno on 13th October 2015 at 13:40

I totally agree John, Davids photo needed to be shown immediately as it had a certain relevance. A photo of no relevance, a bird in a tree, a cow in a field, a building etc, for me can wait a while. Mick, you do a good job for the site, but dont expect privileges.

Comment by: Hugh Wilson on 13th October 2015 at 14:18

Saw this flying over Wooler, Northumberland early on Saturday afternoon, 10th. I was at the Hay Farm Heavy Horses Show, watching demonstrations of ploughing and other farming activities using Clydesdale horses.

Comment by: Julie Bateman on 13th October 2015 at 14:40

well done david good picture saw it on bbbc breakfast this morning.

Comment by: Garry on 13th October 2015 at 14:43

Mick, you have your fair share of P-a-d....Sometimes 3 to 4 in a row.

Comment by: Alan on 13th October 2015 at 14:50

Mick it all depends if the photos is clear and of Wigan interest.

Comment by: Mick on 13th October 2015 at 19:01

I still say it queue jumping.

Garry thats right I sometimes do 3 and 4 in a row this is because I get off my bum and go out there taking them.

Comment by: SCARAMOUCHE on 13th October 2015 at 19:36

Mick for god's sake get a bloody life...... You are the type of person who if he found a shilling would complain that it wasn't half a crown..

Comment by: joan b on 13th October 2015 at 20:45

Excellent photo, shame people cant just comment on the photo itself instead of arguing amongst themselves !

Comment by: Aubrey on 13th October 2015 at 20:54

Certainly topical, the plane has never been off the t.v. today. Good photo David.
.Mick, don't be put off, keep up the good work.

Comment by: David Barker on 13th October 2015 at 20:54

Thank you all, for your comments,as Jonno says the photo was relevant for the time scale ,otherwise I don't mind waiting.I have sent photos that have not been published, I've also sent raw format by mistake as the file size is to large.thanks again.

Comment by: Ken R on 13th October 2015 at 21:43

Gerald Pilkington, you are right it was a Nimrod that crashed. Sorry about that.

Comment by: Alan (on Vancouver Island) on 14th October 2015 at 00:23

The Vulcan was the very first jet engine aircraft to fly across the Atlantic Ocean. I knew the pilot, RAF Wing Commander Beaumont.

Comment by: Garry on 14th October 2015 at 09:57

Well said, Joan b, that's what I thought.

Comment by: John Williams on 16th October 2015 at 20:16

Alan for the record the first jet aircraft to cross the Atlantic was the De Havilland Vampire F3 of 54 Sqd on 14 July 1948

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