Photo-a-Day (Sunday, 4th October, 2015)

Photo: Dave (Oy) (Nikon D800 with Nikon 24-70mm F/2.8 AF-S G )
'Spam Can' running light engine with it's support coach in tow, light on their feet but nippy little buggers.
P,S. Another great atmospheric picture Dave, you can just feel the platform rumbling under your feet and the heat off the engine, then gorgeous smell wafting all around you as it disappears into the distance.
Saw it go over the bridge on my way to the station bus stop, a great treat, thanks for this photo Dave!
Peebee 90 tonnes is not running light.
Last saw Tangmere heading through Worthing in Sussex. Nice to see again, thanks Dave
Good photo, captures Tangmere at speed.
Garry....nothing to do with total weight, more about weight distribution they were well known to slip a lot when starting with a heavy load, hence the 'light on their feet' comment.
Great photo Dave, I missed this one! Garry, in railway parlance, running light engine means without a train, just the locomotive and in this case a support coach. 90 tons is certainly not "light", I agree.
Missed this one too. Can anyone tell me if any others are due through here or is that it for steam this year. Or when do they start running again next year. I always seem to miss them.
WN1 Standisher... looks like Oct 24th is the next one... the Brief encounter Special.
Thanks Dave, I;ll keep my eye out for that one. As usual another excellent shot btw