Photo-a-Day (Tuesday, 1st September, 2015)
Bell ringers
Photo: Andrew Fishburn (Canon EOS 6D)
Andrew there was a woman named Mags who came on Wiganworld once asking about a carved mirror that she believed was given to the bell ringers of St James Church Poolstock by some of her relatives named Forshaw she said they were master boatbuilders working for the Leeds Liverpool Canal Co. and her great grandfather who lived in the canal cottages near Trencherfield Mill had donated this mirror.
Anyway I managed to get up in the tower one day and found the mirror and took a photo for her, which has a carved canal boat on it, and is the same mirror on your photo.
Did you take a look in the bellringers visitors book, Ive just had a look at my old photos and can see that there where bell ringers who had signed it from as far a way as Oxfordshire.
It's blared don't you think.
Love hearing church bells, unfortunately my church is a new build so we don't have any bells.
A lovely photo of these guys in action
Thanks Mick for the info, I had a good look at the mirror and wondered about the story behind it. I didn't see the bell ringers book but will have a look if I get the chance to go up again. Amazing stories like that really bring it to life - thanks for sharing.
One of the ringers in the pic is my son and lives in London - he rings whenever he can when up in Wigan!
Garry - completely agree but it was deliberately done to try and show movement- the pics I took where the ringers and their ropes are frozen and pin sharp look a bit daft!
Andrew Ive just had a look at some of the photos that I took of the visitors book and two signatures are what looks to be a
B Darbyshire and Jon Blinkorn of Wigan Parish Church
I should have said the date was 1966
Understood, well done Andrew.
Sort out your spelling, Garry. (blurred, not blared)
No wonder southeners think we're all "thick up north"
Sort out your ignorance first, Renee.
The reason it is blurred Garry is because of the movement of the ropes.