Photo-a-Day (Wednesday, 26th August, 2015)
Canal Terrace

Photo: Dave (Oy) (Fuji X-T1 - Fujinon 10-24mm F4 OIS)
Theres something funny about the gable end on the first house.
Could it be Dave's sense of humour? It does appear the photo has been 'tampered' with.
yea thought that too mick strange
Another superimposed photo.
I would say that the photo is more or less straight off the camera
Nice photo dave
Cant see any sign of photo shopping, if your are thinking the chimney is wrong i am pretty sure the back wall is tapered , i.e not parallel with the front one
Yes I'll go with tampered with Aubrey, these snappers are always doing it. I can't see the point myself. Not one of the best.
True picture, go and have a look.
Dave, you just can't win!
Mick, Aubrey, Christine, have a look here for another angle:
Garry, do you know what 'superimposed' really means, you use it regularly enough?
.....there's even another one on this site!
Go to Photos Of Wigan, New Gallery, scroll down to Brian Thurston's Photo Gallery, open it, then select Leeds/Liv Canal and Canal Terrace is one of the images!
No jiggery-pokery about that house. It really does have a corner taken off.
Why on earth would Dave superimpose a photo..when he's one of the best there is.
Excellent photo,looks a nice place to live and not far to go if you like fishing and watching canal boats
this photo brought back many memories of walking along the Canal Bank from our house in Roscoe Street to visit my Grandmother in Albert Street in the 1950s/60s. I used to see these houses ad desperately wanted to live in one as they were so different from the other terraces and right on the canal. Incidentally does anyone remembers a huge fire in a garage/workshop near here about 1960 (I was only a little boy) but it lit up the sky and people came from all around to see it. Indelible memory of my childhood
Maureen, David is one of the best, but many happy snappers do superimpose photos.
Thanks for the comments. No tampering or superimposing (lol). Not that I never have - or never will. :)
The house does look half of it is missing....but..I have to agree with Maureen above.
I do not think people who post photos on here are snappers, they seem to take a lot of thought and interest in what they do.
Pw, You don't get it do you. Snappers Speaking metaphorically.
But I don't think you'll understand.
Nice detailed photo Dave, I worked at one of these houses in the early 70s fitting new wooden gutters ,they look a lot better at the front now .
my brother and sister was born at 13 canal terr but it was called canal bank terr in 1925