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Photo-a-Day  (Tuesday, 4th August, 2015)

Temporary Deanery

Temporary Deanery
Deanery High School in Wigan is currently being demolished and rebuilt. Pictured are the temporary classrooms stacked 4 high.

Photo: Judith Elsey  (Sony Cybershot DSC-H200)
Views: 4,370

Comment by: Mick on 4th August 2015 at 05:38

I saw these containers when I was at the subscription bowling club last week and was wondering what was going on.
When the new school is finished maybe the containers can be used to house some of the immigrants who are coming across the channel

Comment by: Alex on 4th August 2015 at 08:04

Mick, your spot on about the immigrants...aren't we here in the UK a soft touch. Were slowly being squeezed out of this lovely country. We need someone like Enoch Powell, but nobody would listen to him. Problem now, no-one in government has bottle to sort this mess out. I feel for our grandchildren, we are short of housing as it is.
Another good shot, Judith.

Comment by: Alan on 4th August 2015 at 08:09

At least it's not another junk food outlet. That's all the immigrants bring to this country. Good photo.

Comment by: Barry (Sad Wiganer) on 4th August 2015 at 08:32

We are the smallest country in europe, where is all these immigrants going to live if they do get in????? and what about us UK citizens. Our schools are over crowded as it is, and no jobs to look forward to. The news reporters ask the French Moyor and he blames the British government for the easy handouts they will receive.

Comment by: Garry on 4th August 2015 at 08:36

Stacked Four high, does the Health and Safetey no that.
Nice one Judith.

Comment by: Al on 4th August 2015 at 08:50


You have got it all wrong about immigrants coming here. Firstly, the immigrant situation is obviously been allowed to happen (don't believe the nonesense they are trying their best to stop it because if they wanted to they could), because they want people of this country to get angry and cause unrest, so then the control freaks in power have an excuse to bring in more stringent big brother I.D checks and issuing of national I.D cards (all on a database), this of which will make life for people in this country more uncomfortable as regards to coming in and out of the country. Secondly, if you lived in some of these countries with with appalling conditions, wars, you'd wanna go elsewhere too.

Comment by: P.C. on 4th August 2015 at 09:57

No Tory government will seriously do anything about the immigration problem; immigrants to the Tories are an endless supply of cheap labour for their business cronies and a means of keeping wages down.

Comment by: Pw on 4th August 2015 at 12:35

Garry, they are not containers they are specially designed portable buildings that are used all over the country.I am sure H&S would not allow them to be used for children if they did not meet very high standards of safety

Comment by: Barry on 4th August 2015 at 12:43

Al but not in this country!

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 4th August 2015 at 13:24

Thanks Judith for showing this. I was going past Deanery High School yesterday and workmen were erecting a fence in front of it. On enquiry, the building is to be demolished and a new one built.
See Photo-a-Day on 19th Feb.2013.

Comment by: Garry on 4th August 2015 at 16:04

I never mentioned containers, Pw.

Comment by: Kas on 4th August 2015 at 16:21

Hi Al, I,m sorry but I disagree. There seems to be a huge amount of people with a phobia about being observed by the Government Big Brother, spy camera,s etc who are always anti ID cards or anything that allows the government, police or anyone other than themselves into their private world. This is , I,m sorry Al , is unrealistic . We are all logged somewhere on a data file. When each of us was born it was recorded as when we die. It is not hard for the government or men in grey suits to fill in the in between gap with stuff about each of us. I,m not a number , I am a free man, as the TV programme said. Sadly I think we are, maybe that is why people are seeking the Dark Net in more numbers.

Comment by: Malc on 4th August 2015 at 17:27

Soppy Kas, My business , is my business. You are not one of the grey suits? Don't come knocking on my door mate

Comment by: Al on 5th August 2015 at 09:20

I agree. My business is my business too, and they have no right to invade our privacy. I agree we are recorded from birth, but its the ridiculous level of monitoring today that's gone too far, and something that needs to be stopped. CCTV in toilets (there's one in the toilet of Wigan North Western station believe it or not), kids being fingerprinted at school, and so on. This has got to stop. And there's no point in voting for labour or tory, because they're all the same.

Comment by: Ex - Wiganer and proud of it on 5th August 2015 at 16:06

What a lovely photograph. Whilst I appreciate that everybody is entitled to their own opinions what has it got to do with the photo and the school. If the above gentlemen? would like to air their views then there are social media sites that they can do so on. In the meanwhile could they please keep their comments to the relevant photograph. Judith Elsey it would appear that your photograph has been hi jacked for other reasons other than you intended.

Comment by: Garry on 5th August 2015 at 17:28

Not by me it hasn't, Ex-Wiganer.

Comment by: Ernest Pyke on 7th August 2015 at 06:36

My sentiments exactly, Ex - Wiganer.

Comment by: Kas on 7th August 2015 at 16:47

Point taken. Blame the one who mentioned immigrants which always starts passionate debates, on any forum. Al, cctv in a toilet, you sure?

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