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Photo-a-Day  (Thursday, 11th June, 2015)

Boston House

Boston House
Boston House Medical Centre, Frog Lane, Wigan.

Photo: Mick Byrne  (Sony HDR)
Views: 3,875

Comment by: Ken R on 11th June 2015 at 02:34

Looks impressive, what is it?

Comment by: Mick on 11th June 2015 at 07:41

Ken R Its a brilliant NHS medical centre
I went last week because my optician saw a hemorrhage in one of my eyes so she sent me to see the specialist optician at Boston house which is named and was opened by the great Wigan rugby league legend Billy Boston.

Comment by: Andy on 11th June 2015 at 09:08

Salford royal or Hope hospital which ever it's called now has a Dialysis unit in there. The Physiotherapy department is also there.

Comment by: Alan H on 11th June 2015 at 09:56

Devil of a place to park your car when you get there. Worse than Thomas Linacre centre, almost as bad as Wigan Infirmary. Only good thing is that it is free parking .

Comment by: a bolton on 11th June 2015 at 10:01

It was built on the site of the old Frog lane hospital...which I think may have been part of the work house?

Comment by: christine on 11th June 2015 at 11:11

i go there ,pity the parking is atrocious at times ,many a time my daughter as dropped me off and had to come back ,boston house is a good medical centre and better than when you went to wigan infirmary re eyes .

Comment by: Cyril on 11th June 2015 at 12:04

I go to the medical practice there and also to see the district nurses and podiatry, it's a whole lot better here than when it was in Dicconson Terrace, though with different clinics and departments opening the car parking has become horrendous, it shall become even more so when the council enforce the parking restrictions that are planned along Frog Lane, they'll more than likely begin to charge for parking there then Alan.

Comment by: Kas on 11th June 2015 at 17:46

Not only in Wigan but across the whole of the UK parking is a major problem around hospitals and medical centres . I wonder should this centre have built underground parking , or would it have taken funds from above ground? I don' t have any answers.
We seem to be demanding more hospitals then once they are built asking the questions about parking. Maybe it's the use of cars ? Surely the two have to come together when then first build these...

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