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Photo-a-Day Archive

Photo-a-Day  (Monday, 27th October, 2014)

Thomas More Gardens

Thomas More Gardens
A new housing development built on the site of the former St. Thomas More School.

Photo: Aubrey Fairclough  (Fuji FinePix S2950)
Views: 3,809

Comment by: Mick on 27th October 2014 at 07:14

I was thinking about taking a photo of these new houses from on top of ASDA car park.
But we do our shopping at Tesco in Horwich so it never happened.

Comment by: kath on 27th October 2014 at 10:43

can someone remind me how to put photos up for photo of the day?

Comment by: brian clark on 27th October 2014 at 15:49


Comment by: Aubrey on 27th October 2014 at 16:32

I certainly am, never left. A long time since school. Have you seen the photo of Cansfield School / Grammar School on the present Album page?

Comment by: Julie on 27th October 2014 at 18:30

Wished you had Mick! it was my school . Hard to imagine ,and I must admit hugely emotional for me, what once was, the memories, the place in my mind are now, so so different. Without you Aubrey we wouldn't,t know this. Thank you

Comment by: Neil Rigby on 27th October 2014 at 19:07

Kath, look here:-

Comment by: Brian on 27th October 2014 at 21:19

Kath, please email any photos to brian@wiganworld.co.uk along with title/brief description and your name, thank you.

Comment by: Helen on 28th October 2014 at 08:08

The thing that strikes me about houses like these....and not withstanding they are pleasant looking homes, they could be anywhere in the UK. No local features whatsoever.

Comment by: kath on 28th October 2014 at 08:45

thanks for your help!

Comment by: Aubrey on 28th October 2014 at 09:17

You are quite right about the style of house, however, my photo was intended to show ex pats what had taken place on that site.

Comment by: Helen on 29th October 2014 at 08:15

Point taken Aubrey.

Comment by: Kal on 13th November 2014 at 18:45

Helen/ Aubrey, Not!! Point taken , point hugely missed! There was a school here which you have both cast aside with such disgraceful arrogance. You are quite right , the style of house?.?. Shame on you both to try and wipe out my school , my memories so casually ..

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