Photo-a-Day (Sunday, 27th October, 2013)
The Silver Tally

Photo: John Morris (Nikon D700 with 24-85mm Nikon lens)
Shevington Moor brings back a lot of childhood memories.....a great picture John...the folks living next door don't need to get the car out....cheers!!!
A very good pub, cheap and cheerfu!
I paid a visit to Prospect Brewery with some of my old workmates last December. I had just a couple of pints of Silver Tally, as you do!!!
We enjoyed the atmosphere there. Not the most beautiful building I've been in, but after 2 pints (think it was 2) who cares.
We'll go again in the near future.
The silver tally was a token that miners received for food and drink whenever they worked overtime.God bless em.
I thought the silver tally was handed in by the miner at the pit head in exchange for a lamp. It was how the management knew who was down the shaft.
Friendly looking pub....I like the windows. Nice photo John.
For worthintoner........Interesting comment about the silver tally.My father-in-law was a miner all his working life in yorkshire and as you said. God bless`em.
Before going underground I collected two tallies, one brass and one alloy, silver in colour, both stamped with my lamp number. I gave the banksman, at the top shaft, the silver tally and kept the brass one with me. This could be used as a form of identification, like a soldier's dog tags. when I returned to the surface I gave the brass tally to the banksman. This was used to record how long I had worked, and also to confirm my return to the surface.
Tuddy,I admire all the miners that used to be........Long hours and hard work in awful conditions.
Could you imagine the youngsters of today doing that work?
All the best tuddy.
Having 3 Nephews in their 20s who bring home the bacon and have earned everything they have Jean, I for one can imagine the youngsters of today working down the mines if they had to, at least some of them anyhow, There is plenty of Lazy folk around young and old, but there is plenty of hard working folks around too, young and old!!
Gee H, I couldn't agree more. People are often too eager to write off young people. There are a lot of hard working polite and friendly young people around and they deserve more credit than they get.